Another one of BP's Oil Rigs exploded in the Gulf of Mexico.All 13 workers were rescued and accounted for.This one was 80 miles off the Louisiana shore.It happened today, Thursday the 2nd. They don't know if oil is leaking yet.
Do you have a link?
The only one I have is to the Yahoo article... Here it is.[url=]
Heard about it just ten minutes before. I lol'd.I heard there is no oil leaking, but I don't think this is already reliable news, let's wait for more infos.
Oh wait, this link will work. Here.
I lol'd. Nice going there BP - any more explosions due?
HAHA.BP are so clumsy xDI wonder how much longer they will last with all these leakages and explosions..
It comes off as pretty odd that it happened in the gulf.
The Gulf must be haunted or these rigs are negligently maintained.
A lot of BP's oil rigs are in the gulf. =P
oh,wow they have issues.
Or they are -Here I go again- The Illuminati trying to kill us.
wait-it's not BP's
What? Sorry for that one word Sentence.
It is BP's.. =PIs it not? o.o
I believe that the evil organization the Illuminati are trying to destroy America through oil, in the Gulf coast.
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