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Welcome to the war, soldier. This is a war of mystery and intrigue set sometime in the mid-22nd century. As the years progressed, we finally gave in to our self-destructive tendencies. WW3 began sometime in 2045, one hundred years after the end of WW2, when paranoia finally took over and North Korea bombed South Korea. South Korea and her allies returned the assault. North Korea's allies responded. Soon, you were either on the side of the Allies(South Korea, America, England, and Australia were the main powers of the Allies) or North Korea(China, Japan, and Russia were powerful factors in their favor), and if you were neutral, both sides hated you. Instead of being an war fought in the hearts of the soldiers, WW3 was a war fought on the fields of technology. The entire world suffered, and the entire world participated. Each country bombed one another repeatedly until the entire world was reduced to an ashen wasteland. The low tactics and merciless technology used in WW3 made the bombing of Hiroshima look like a strictly regulated water balloon fight. After the end of WW3 in 2091, after nearly half a century of the bloodiest conflict the world has ever seen, the war stopped. Nearly all humans were dead, the world's population gone from billions upon billions to mere hundred thousands. Finally, humanity realized its mistake. Many of the survivors were mutated or sick from the radiation of the nuclear assault. The survivors banded together after a long time of hating each other and with the technology they had left, created a spaceship that could transport them to another planet. They managed to colonize Mars to live there. It wasn't as nice as Earth in the beginning, but they were able to survive, and after about a century of this, Mars had terraformed thanks to inhabitants and by now is much like Earth. Humans adapted quickly and rebuilt their old society. However, no one forgets the devastation of WW3. They renamed Mars, Earth, as a reminder of what could happen to them if they weren't careful. And now they must live with the Aftermath.
January 19, 2209
"Sir!" called a young technician sitting at a monitor. "I've received some kind of strange's in Colonist frequencies and seems to be automated." The commander walked up.
"That's impossible, staff," Col. Rienhardt replied, almost derisively. "There are no active colonies in the area. We're an exploration team, the first humans here. Check your readings and instruments again."
"I've already done that sir; twice. I can assure you that this is an emergency transmission from a colony," the staff sergeant told him.
"Well, play it then, " ordered Col. Rienhardt. Shrugging, the technician turned a knob and dial, then pushed a button. There was a crackle of static for a moment, then the staff sergeant adjusted something and the sound cleared up.
"This is an emergency distress beacon from Colony November Four Niner One Echo on planet Foxtrot 21. This is from the crew of Project L.E.A.P., Operation Small Step. This signal indicates that the bunker has been evacuated, and the crew is all dead, fleeing, or incapacitated as they cannot press the emergency transponder button themselves. Last known location of this colony and colonists is 29 degrees, 16 minutes, and 22 seconds North, and 94 degrees, 49 minutes and 46 seconds West. Please send help. Mayday. This is an emergency distress beacon from Colony November Four Niner-"
The staff sergeant shut off the transmission.
"Why'd you do that?" demanded Col. Rienhardt. "It was still playing."
"It's on a loop, sir. It keeps playing over and over," the technician told him.
"Well, can you find out how long it's been playing for?" Col. Rienhardt requested.
"Yes, sir," the technician nodded. "It looks like that transmission has been playing for approximately two centuries. If whatever caused the colonists to flee didn't kill them, they're dead now anyway. All of them. There's no reason for us to respond."
"Two centuries...and you're sure your equipment's not faulty?" Col. Rienhardt checked.
"Yes, sir," confirmed the technician. "I don't know how it's possible, but it's happening."
"We have only had space travel for one century, staff sergeant. Do you realize how much of a discrepancy that is?" demanded Col. Rienhardt. "The only way for this to be possible is if some other planet had developed it, and that's impossible."
"Really, sir?" asked the technician dubiously. "Are you really willing to completely dismiss the idea of any intelligent life somewhere else in the universe, at any other point in time?"
"Yes, Staff Sergeant, because it's absolutely ridiculous!" Col. Rienhardt barked. "Requisition for new technical equipment, ASAP, because it's obviously a mistake. I'll report this to our commanders back on Earth, but we will continue with our exploration expedition regardless."
"Yes, sir," sighed Ssgt. Pavlov.
3 Weeks Later...
"What's this?" demanded Lt. Gen. Riggs, current leader of the United Earth Coalitions Air Force.
"It's a report on that missing exploration expedition crew in the Andromeda Galaxy, sir," the A1C. informed him. "Remember? They held radio silence for two weeks after they were supposed to return and we sent a ship out looking for them."
"Commanding officer?"
"Colonel Ernst Rienhardt, sir, also of the Air Force," replied the airman.
"The Soviet, sir," answered the A1C. The UECAF named their ships after the country of their crewmembers, in this case, Russia.
"What do we think happened to them?"
"We know what happened to them sir, just not why. Their ship was completely destroyed, their crew members all either vented out into empty space or missing. We have most of their bodies accounted for, the others probably drifted off too far in space or were captured by the gravity of a larger object."
"But we don't know what destroyed their ship or how?"
"That's correct, sir. But we did find this recording," A1C Rousseau handed the lieutenant general a small disc. Lt. Gen. Riggs popped the disc into a computer and soon the speakers crackled to life with the voice of Colonel Rienhardt.
"They were in the ship. When they came out, they killed us all. They're awake now. They're coming for the rest of the colonies. You have to deploy, right NOW! They are nearly invincible, but their only weakness is in their transmission. We seem to- *static*"
"What's the rest of it?!" demanded Lt. Gen. Riggs.
"No idea, sir," replied A1C Rousseau. "Either the file has been corrupted beyond repair or the colonel didn't finish hi last transmission. Either way, we'll never know what else he meant to say."
"We have to cease all colonization activities in the area," Lt. Gen. Riggs decided. "Deploy all available troops to the area, immediately."
"Yes, sir. Shall I contact the other agencies as well?" asked A1C Rousseau.
"I suppose it's best..." sighed Lt. Gen. Riggs. "Contact FEDA and the EDL. I want all hands on deck for this."
"Yes, sir!" A1C Rousseau replied, saluting.
Earth Defensive League: The Earth Defensive League, or EDL, is a Spartan organization dedicated to warfare. They are unforgiving and punish crimes severely. They are highly disciplined and well-trained. They are not officially the defenders of Earth despite their claims, and because of this people often mistrust them. Their motives, from a militaristic viewpoint, are unclear, and that is troubling. However, the EDL has given the rest of Earth no substantial proof that they mean anything other than good. They alter children born into their society within the week they are born, enhancing their mental or physical capacity for warfare and destruction, and for their entire lives members of the EDL are trained to use their respective skills. The ethics of this procedure are a heavily debatable topic, and several people protest to it, but it has its results. All EDL soldiers are near-perfect killing machines, incredibly strong or fast or smart. They dislike the use of technology such as guns or bombs, and prefer to use their body as their only weapon, lethal as it is. They could almost be described as technophobes. They believe that anyone who needs to use technology and equipment is weak, considering them cowards and showing no respect. They regard the UEC with pure derision due to their reliance on technology and the FEDA with some respect, recognizing the threat that the latter poses, but they believe that the latter's lack of discipline and perceived mercy has weakened their organization. They are egotistical with a "holier than thou" type of outlook, except instead of "holier" it's "stronger", and are also very aggressive. They feel the need to prove their strength often and if someone questions their abilities, they are often killed or severely wounded. They regard civilians with even more derision than the UEC, recognizing that they are completely helpless and thinking them no more than a pet; it amuses you, so you keep it around, but you could kill it any time you wanted to, and they like to remind civilians of that fact. They are ruthless, fearless, and show unwavering loyalty to the EDL...but it is unknown if the EDL itself has Earth's best interests at heart. Most people regard soldiers of the EDL with a mixture of revulsion and fear. Members of the EDL are highly religious and think of all other EDL members as brothers and sisters. They are inseparable, any would give their life for another. They are very exclusive, and it is nearly impossible for anyone who was not born into the EDL to join. In addition, they will ban anyone who disagrees with their religion. They believe anyone who is not part of the EDL is close to trash, and so if someone is not a member of the EDL they would gladly kill them. However, members of the EDL are sanctified in their minds and so anyone who kills them will be forever punished by the group.
United Earth Coalition: The United Earth Coalition, or UEC, is the official military of the planet. They represent nearly every nation on Earth, and nearly every nation on Earth has at least slight membership in the organization. They are far and widespread, and have hundreds of thousands of members and highly advanced technology. Becoming a member of the UEC is a choice, however once you do join you can never leave. They are a disciplined but forgiving organization.Most people regard the UEC with reverence, some with fear, but almost all realize that without the UEC, there would be no real protectors of Earth and treat its members with due respect. The UEC soldiers are well-trained, well-disciplined, and well-equipped, but they rely heavily on their equipment. Without it they are helpless against almost all threats and can only hope to survive until they can get the technology they need. The UEC is dedicated not to warfare itself or to eradicating its enemies(as the EDL is) nor is it dedicated to the rewards they will reap afterwards(like FEDA). No, members of the UEC have a thankless job, to protect Earth and her citizens at all cost with no reward for their work in sight. They regard the EDL with disgust but respect, disliking their methods but recognizing that they are a formidable power. However, there is a lot of tension between the EDL and the UEC being that the EDL treats the UEC so badly. Thus, the UEC will often call the EDL freaks in public, then go home and fear the EDL. They regard FEDA with nearly no respect, recognizing that members of FEDA are only in it for the money and treating most of them as no more than common bounty hunters or even thieves. Soldiers of the UEC are not always loyal, but are forced to remain in servitude. They regard most civilians as helpless, and sometimes grow annoyed, stressed, and depressed with their burdens, taking it out on civilians. However, most UEC soldiers are empathetic to the citizens, not particularly loyal to the UEC itself. They uphold the law within the land and keep it safe from outside threats. Most UEC soldiers believe their duty is to the citizens, and the United Earth Coalition is just a good way to protect them. They also have a sense of martyrdom about them, but not superiority. They know that they're one of the only things standing between the citizens and annihilation, and would do anything for the innocent. The UEC is a very tight-knit group and almost all members are friends, but not all are good enough friends for one soldier to sacrifice his life for another's. There is strong mutual respect between all members fo the UEC and a bond of fellowship and shared burden. They believe no man should be left behind. The UEC is open to nearly everyone(the few exceptions are repeat convicts and such), and spans all nations, religions, races, colors and creeds. They hold a respect but not reverence for all life, and try not to kill if they can avoid it, preferring to incapacitate their enemies by knocking them out or disarming them. However, they can also be vindictive depending on the person they're up against, for example if they were fighting a murderer they would have no regard for his life.
Freemens' Earth Defensive Association: The Freemen's Earth Defensive Association, or FEDA, is a well-organized underground society, comparable almost to the mafia. They are highly secretive and will not help others purely out of the good of their hearts. Instead, they demand payment in some form for any kind of work they do. Sometimes, when goings are tough for them, they will do petty crimes such as shakedowns or thefts just to scrape by. They will resort to anything to get the job done, and have a reputation for brutality dealt to those who stand in their way. However, they also have a reputation for getting the job done quickly and efficiently. Very little is known about the FEDA except this. Civilians fear them and treat them respectfully to their faces, but behind their backs the citizens treat them as what they are; rogue mercenaries. Sometimes a FEDA member will actually help the civilians in a Robin Hood-esque way, but these cases are far and wide between. Members of FEDA are coldly intelligent and stealthy. Everyone knows about FEDA, but most people tolerate them, either out of fear or out of respect. The UEC hates them, but knows that they can never be eradicated so they tolerate them. The feeling is mutual. FEDA tolerates the UEC because the UEC is what gets them their equipment; FEDA will buy off any equipment that the UEC has decided they don't want for any reason, or on rare occasions even steal it. They have a shaky kind of hatred but tolerance. FEDA looks on the EDL with respect but revulsion. They revere the EDL members' skill, but FEDA members are strongly opposed to the operation itself. They also dislike the arrogance of the EDL and the big-brother feeling of the UEC. FEDA members know little loyalty but that which they accord themselves, and their membership to the society usually just means they do something the FEDA boss wants them to do from time to time, and in return they'll get safe houses and equipment. If ever their life was in danger, any member of FEDA would either run away or try to make a trade. They're not cowards, they are just a bit more aware of their own mortality than the UEC and EDL because unlike the other two, they have no real motive to sacrifice themselves. They will defend Earth but do not think of themselves as her protectors. The addition of "Earth Defense" in their name is just to make themselves more likable. FEDA members are tough survivalists, moderately well-equipped. However, they rely more on intelligence, smooth talking, and their own endurance and strength to get them out of situations than actual learned skills. They pride themselves on their independence, and look down on anyone who must rely on someone else. They would either shoot an injured man or leave him behind, thinking the former an act of mercy. They have very little respect for civilians but will not bother them as long as the citizens keep out of FEDA business. They will protect Earth for only two reasons; to save their own skin, and for the reward money. FEDA has some respect for life(they're not evil, just cruel) and will not kill without reason, however if someone crosses them they will show no regret. They are the only one of these groups that does not object to torture and cruel treatment of others.
Summary: The Prophets' brains have been altered so that they have increased functionality. The Prophet has telepathic(reading and altering minds), telekinetic(to move and transform objects with the mind), and precognitive(seeing the future) abilities, however in bodily attribues such as strength or constitution they fall short.
Faction: Earth Defensive League[EDL].
Intelligence: 15
Endurance: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 1
Abilities: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition.
Equipment: Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Summary: The muscles of the Crusader class have been modified and boosted to give them extra strength and increased hand-to-hand combat abilities and close quarters combat of all forms. However, in intelligence and speed they are weak.
Faction: Earth Defensive League[EDL].
Intelligence: 1
Endurance: 3
Agility: 1
STrength: 15
Abilities: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Melee Weapons Skill, Smite[Wound your enemy for 10% of their health and stun them. All their abilities are nulled for 3 turns. Costs 20 Energy].
Equipment: Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing]
Summary: The Messengers' bodies have been altered for optimal speed and dexterity, however their intelligence and endurance is low.
Faction: Earth Defensive League[EDL]
Intelligence: 1
Endurance: 1
Agility: 15
Strength: 3
Abilities: Climbing, Sprinting, Jumping
Equipment: Sacred Robes[Full Body]
Summary: The Martyrs' bodies have been physically altered so they can take a lot of damage, however their intelligence, strength, and speed are low. All of the Martyr's abilities involve self-inflicted injury to boost their own skill or their allies'.
Faction: Earth Defensive League[EDL]
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 15
Agility: 1
Strength: 2
Abilities: Inner Strength[Boost your own Strength by y for 1 turn, costs 5xy health. You choose what y is. Maximum of 30.] , Godspeed[Boost your own Agility by y for 1 turn, costs 5xy health. You choose what y is. Maximum of 30], Self-Sacrifice[Stun yourself for y turns, all your allies get +y to all their attributes for as long as you are stunned.]
Equipment: Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing]
Summary: The Pilot has been highly trained in deep space exploration, search and rescue, aerial combat, and in-atmosphere flying of all types. They are highly equipped, but their other attributes are moderate and most of their skills rely on their airplanes.
Faction: United Earth Coalition[UEC], United Earth Coalition Air Force[UECAF].
Intelligence: 4
Endurance: 2
Agility: 2
Strength: 2
Abilities: Deep Space Aviation, Atmospheric Aviation, Crashland, G-Force Training
Equipment: Boeing F-51A Raptor[Maximum Speed: 800 mph, Weaponry: 2 Ballistic Heavy Weapons, 1 Gas Launcher], Emergency Parachute, Radio, UEC Aviation Uniform[Full Body],
Summary: The Trooper is a versatile unit, capable of both air and ground assault, however they are not skilled at defense. They are very well-equipped with heavy assault weaponry and armor. They are resilient and strong but not fast or smart.
Faction: United Earth Coalition[UEC], United Earth Coalition Marine Corps[UECMC]
Intelligence: 1
Endurance: 5
Agility: 1
Strength: 5
Abilities: Weapons Proficiency, Assault, Armor Proficiency, Drop Shock.
Equipment: Laser Shock Rifle[10/10], UEC Full Shock Armor[Full Body], Radio.
Summary: The Sniper is a highly-trained, well-equipped class built for long range combat and reconnaissance. They are intelligent and dextrous, but weak at close range.
Faction: United Earth Coalition[UEC], United Earth Coalition Army[UECA].
Intelligence: 6
Endurance: 2
Agility: 6
Strength: 2
Abilities: Pinpoint Accuracy, Eagle Eyes, Speed Reload
Equipment: Laser Sniper Rifle[12/12], Binoculars, Forest Ghille Suit[Full Body: Boots, Leggings, Shirt, Mask], Winter Ghillie Suit[Full Body: Boots, Leggings, Shirt, Mask], Desert Ghillie Suit[Full Body: Boots, Leggings, Shirt, Mask]
Summary: The operator is highly intelligent, trained to operate almost any form of vehicle, machinery, or heavy artillery. They are also strong enough to carry much of the equipment with them, that which they're not carrying, is carrying them.
Faction: United Earth Coalition[UEC], United Earth Coalition Army[UECA]
Intelligence: 5
Endurance: 2
Agility: 1
Strength: 5
Abilities: Artillery Proficiency, Tank Proficiency, Vehicle Proficiency
Equipment: Portable AA Turret[10/10], Portable Rapid Fire Turret[250/250] Anti-Tank Missile Launcher[3/3], M551 Sheridan Tank[Heavy Laser Cannon[3/3], Heavy Rapid Fire Anti-Infantry Machine Guns[2, [1,000/1,000]], Radio, Repair Kit, UEC Operator's Uniform[Full Body: Boots, Trousers, Belt, Shirt, Helmet w/visor]
Summary: The Survivalist is an attribute-based class with few skills. The time they could've spent learning skills was spent training their attributes. They are strong, resilient, and agile. They do not have much equipment, but enough to survive off and fight.
Faction: Freemens' Earth Defensive Association[FEDA]
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit[Full Body], Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
Summary: The Smuggler is a versatile class and smooth talker. They are agile, intelligent, and strong.
Faction: Freemens' Earth Defensive Association[FEDA]
Intelligence: 7
Endurance: 3
Agility: 5
Strength: 5
Abilities: Snake's Tongue, Stealth.
Equipment: Chevrolet Camaro 2010[w/hidden compartment], Clothes[Upper and Lower Body], Bowie Knife, Bullet Machine Gun, 10 Magazines Extra Ammunition, Radio,
Summary: The Hitman is a ruthless and intimidating class designed to kill. They are versatile, well-equippped, and merciless.
Faction: Freemens' Earth Defensive Association[FEDA]
Intelligence: 4
Endurance: 4
Agility: 4
Strength: 4
Abilities: Stealth, Weapons Skill, Intimidation.
Equipment: Plasma Shotgun, Chevrolet Corvette, Poison, Light Tactical Body Armor[Full Body], Binoculars
Oh, but wait! There's more! No way, you say? Yes way, I say! You also have the option to make your own class! Here are the specifications.
Class Name
Summary: A short description of the class's purpose.
Faction: FEDA, UEC, or EDL. Please try to make class appropriate for faction/vice versa.
Intelligence: Maximum of 15.
Endurance: Maximum of 15.
Agility: Maximum of 15.
Strength: Maximum of 15.
Abilities: You can have as many abilities as you want, but please describe them for me.
Equipment: Not too much equipment, one vehicle maximum, and nothing too overpowered.
Finally, here are the points. I used a point system to make sure that no class was too overpowered.
36 points to spend.
1 Skill = 5 points.
1 Attribute = 1 point.
1 Equipment[Common] = 1 point.
1 Equipment[Rare]= 2 points. You cannot start with any piece of equipment above Rare.
Dirt Common equipment(Clothes) are free.
This section covers all the equipment you will encounter in the Aftermath universe.
Protection: None.
Weakness: None.
Flexibility/Weight: Light, flexible.
Rarity: Dirt common.
Other: This armor will only serve for modesty.
Camouflage Armor
Protection: Medium against detection, medium against bullets.
Weakness: Futuristic weapons such as plasma or lasers.
Flexibility/Weight: Flexible, medium weight.
Rarity: Common.
Other: Includes specialty-designed armors such as the Ghillie Suit.
Light Tactical Armor
Protection: Medium protection against bullets and fragmentation ballistics.
Weakness: Plasmatic, laser, or other futuristic weapon types.
Flexibility/Weight: Medium weight, constricting but not too inflexible, since it has joint spaces.
Rarity: Common.
Other: Lighter than its heavy counterpart, but it offers less protection.
Heavy Tactical Armor
Protection: High against bullets and fragmentation ballistics.
Weakness: Plasmatic, laser, or other futuristic weapon types.
Flexibility/Weight: Very restricting and heavy.
Rarity: Uncommon.
Other: None.
Electric Armor
Protection: High against melee.
Weakness: Ranged attacks, overuse, water.
Flexibility/Weight: Flexible, but heavy.
Rarity: Uncommon.
Other: Electric armor gives a strong electric zap to anyone that touches you, knocking them out. However, it is nearly useless against ranged attacks, and cannot be used in water or when it's raining. It can also short out if it's used too many times in a small period of time.
Shock Armor
Protection: High against atmosphere, high against explosions, medium against bullets, high against melee.
Weakness: Low against plasmatic and other non-pressure attacks.
Flexibility/Weight: Inflexible and constricting, heavy.
Rarity: Rare.
Other: Shock Armor is designed to be used by Marines and Air Force soldiers in space. It can withstand almost all amounts of pressure and is also immune to things like lack of oxygen.
Stealth Armor
Protection: High against detection.
Weakness: Low against all forms of attack.
Flexibility/Weight: Very flexible, very light.
Rarity: Rare.
Other: Stealth armor is designed to muffle every sound you make and camouflage you against your background.
Biological Hazardous Material Armor
Protection: High against biological weapons like poison, medium against plasma, immune to radiological effects and bombs.
Weakness: Low against bullets, melee, and explosions.
Flexibility/Weight: Flexible, medium weight.
Rarity: Rare.
Other: Design was taken from Haz-Mat suits of the early 21st century and remodeled for better protection.
Reflective Armor
Protection: High against lasers, high against electric, high against plasma.
Weakness: Low against bullets and explosions, low against melee.
Flexibility/Weight: Restricting, heavy.
Rarity: Rare.
Other: Reflective armor will actually reflect high-tech weapons such as lasers back at the shooter, and plasma cannot stick to it.
Nanotech Medical Armor
Protection: Medium against all.
Weakness: Headshots, cuts.
Flexibility/Weight: Flexible and light.
Rarity: Very rare.
Other: Nanotech medical armor is the cutting edge in medical and defensive design. It's actually made up of several small medically trained electric nanos. Those nanos are so tightly packed that the majority of any attack will bounce right off or be absorbed. However, if nanotech medical armor is torn, the defensive properties of the rest of the armor disappear. Nanotech Medical Armor is also designed so the nanos can heal you. While wearing nanotech armor, your healing rate is +50%.
Weapon Ammunition-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Description: Plasma is a sticky, acidic burning substance that sticks to your opponent and burns away until there's nothing left. Like futuristic napalm, except faster-acting, more acidic, and less painful.
Reload: Cannot be reloaded or recharged.
Attacks: Short range, but contained. Usually does not hit any allies unless it splashes.
Description: Bullets are the classic ammo used even back in the old days of the 21st century. They are a small piece of metal that travels at high speeds and goes right through your opponent.
Reload: Can be reloaded manually, but you must have extra ammunition on hand.
Attack: Long range. Depends on firing type and accuracy of shooter.
Description: Laser weapons are one of the most recent technologies. They fire a highly concentrated laser beam at different sizes for more or less opponents. The larger the laserbeam, the more energy it takes up. The
Reload: As the laser weapon runs out of juice, it slowly becomes less and less powerful until all it can give you is a little burn. It automatically recharges, but its electrical recharge takes twelve hours and until it's done, the laser weapon is unusable.
Description: The electric weapon fires an arc of electricity with the capability to jump from opponent to opponent, however it also hurts allies.
Reload: As the electrical weapon runs out of juice, it slowly becomes less and less powerful until all it can give you is a little zap. It automatically recharges, but its electrical recharge takes three hours and until it's done, the electrical weapon is unusable.
Attack: Electric arc jumps from person to person and gains strength. Medium range. High chance of ally being hit.
Description: Ballistic weapons are explosions of any kind. They usually rely on shrapnel from the blast or the shock itself, however incendiary ballistics exist as well.
Reload: Once you use a ballistic weapon, it cannot be reused.
Attack: Ballistic weapons attack with a radius. Short range. High chance of ally being hit.
Description: The poison weapon uses a dart to transmit a lethal and fast acting poison.
Reload: Darts can be manually reloaded but you must have them on hand.
Attack: Poison weapons can be negated by antidotes. Accuracy of shooter affects chance of hitting ally.
Description: The gas weapon uses a gas to transmit a lethal poison, and it's good for many enemies.
Reload: Gas grenades cannot be reused, gas launchers or transmitters can be.
Attack: Creates a large cloud of thick white gas, all in the gas die within seconds. Can be negated by a gas mask or other breathing apparatus. High chance of allies being affected.
Description: The incendiary weapon shoots fire or creates fire.
Reload: Can run out of fuel, and fuel tank must be replaced.
Attack: Shoots a large gout of flame forward.
Weapon Types-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sniper Rifle
Damage: High.
Range: High.
Accuracy: High.
Reliability: Medium.
Firing Rate: Slow.
Recoil: Low.
Compatible With: Bullet, Laser.
Assault Rifle
Damage: Medium.
Range: Medium.
Accuracy: Medium.
Firing Rate: Medium.
Reliability: Medium.
Recoil: Medium.
Compatible With: Plasma, Bullet, Laser, Electrical.
Damage: High.
Range: Low.
Accuracy: Low.
Firing Rate: Medium.
Reliability: Medium.
Recoil: High.
Compatible With: Plasma, Bullet, Laser, Electrical, Ballistic.
Machine Gun
Damage: Low.
Range: Medium.
Accuracy: Low.
Firing Rate: Fast.
Reliability: Low.
Recoil: High.
Compatible With: Bullets.
Shock Rifle.
Damage: High.
Range: High.
Accuracy: High.
Firing Rate: Medium.
Reliability: High.
Recoil: High.
Compatible With: All.
Damage: Low.
Range: Low.
Accuracy: High.
Firing Rate: Medium.
Reliability: High.
Recoil: Medium.
Compatible With: Plasma, Bullet, Laser, Poison.
Damage: High.
Range: Low.
Accuracy: Low.
Firing Rate: Low.
Reliability: Medium.
Recoil: None.
Compatible With: Plasma, Incendiary, Gas, Ballistic.
Damage: High.
Range: Low.
Accuracy: High.
Firing Rate: Low.
Reliability: Medium.
Recoil: High.
Compatible With: Plasma, Gas, Ballistic.
Damage: High.
Range: Low.
Accuracy: Medium.
Firing Rate: Low, continual.
Reliability: High.
Recoil: None.
Compatible With: Incendiary.
Heavy Weapons
Damage: High
Range: High.
Accuracy: Medium.
Firing Rate: Low.
Recoil: None.
Compatible With: All.
Special: Heavy weapons are like cannons or turrets. They can either be portable or mounted. Mounted heavy weapons must be attached to a vehicle at all times, and cannot be removed. Portable heavy weapons can be carried around, although they're very heavy, and take a long time to set up. Heavy weapons are very powerful, but they have limitations.
Health: Multiply your Endurance by 10.
Energy: Multiply your Intelligence by 10.
Equipped Weapon:
Equipped Armor:
Miscellaneous Equipment:
All right then, that's it! Congratulations for reading this Great Wall of China-text! Now you can go to The Aftermath and join up! Please understand that only the people who signed up in the original Aftermath thread prior to the release of Second Coming can join! These people are:
The AKGuy
For all of you who signed up in the thread but have not been accepted, my apologies, but there simply was no more room left for you.
Here are a few rules and such things to expect for The Aftermath: Second Coming.
1. Correct grammar is requested, so it will be easier for me to understand you.
2. Please c/p your character sheet with each response unless I tell you otherwise.
3. Expect some swearing, thought it will be censored.
4. Expect violence and gory descriptive scenes. If you would like me to skip some of this, you can request it.
5. Please do not read other peoples' posts unless you both have the same reply. This way, you only know what your character knows. You MUST answer ALL questions in the OP to be eligible for participation. You MUST get your character sheet right THE FIRST TIME. If you have any questions about the sheet, ask. Then, after I answer, you can make your sheet.
And that's just about it.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes?
- 400 Replies
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
Whats the pay you know us FEDA members are in it for the pay.
Name:James brown
Health: gonna get pwned..
Energy: 150
Abilities:Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition.
Equipment[all]:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Equipped Weapon:
Equipped Armor:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Miscellaneous Equipment:
Get temple of the nine...reminds me of oblivion..loves that game.ONWARD TO THE TEMPLE!
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
"I know you are," the client muttered. "Money for me is in short supply at the moment, but I can get you virtually any piece of equipment you need if you do this quest. You will be rewarded greatly, I promise you."
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
Shake on and we got a deal ummm Whats your name?
Name:James brown
Health: gonna get pwned..
Energy: 150
Abilities:Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition.
Equipment[all]:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Equipped Weapon:
Equipped Armor:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Miscellaneous Equipment:
OOC: Glad somebody finally caught one of my refs...My famous person refs sailed right over Wes's head, I think. Let's see if you can catch all my refs, just for fun xP.
"Onward to the temple!" I called, and my fellows cheered. I clambered into the hovercraft, and the pilot looked back at me, popping her bubblegum.
"In the pipe, and we're five by five," she called, and with a HISSS the electronic doors slid shut. Smoothly, the hovercraft lifts off and starts to glide away. A few moments later, the hovercraft lands and the doors hiss open again.
"Out you go," the pilot stated. As James Brown stepped out of the hovercraft, he just stood there for a moment, staring at the Temple of Nine. It was abandoned, derelict, the once-grand architecture wrought of pure white marble now just a crumbling ruin. It's intimidating and awe-inspiring.
"Let's go inside," one of your group members shouts. "And get this over with already."
What will you do?
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
Mission 1: The Client
The client shook your hand with a firm grip, then stepped away.
"What's your name?" Wes asked.
"I should think FEDA members would know to be a bit more discreet," the client rebuked him. "Just call me The Client, if you must call me anything at all."
"Very well," Wes shrugged. "So did you have anything defensive in mind?"
The Client checked his watch. "They should start coming for me in approximately half an hour. I have a defensive bunker set up, come with me."
"Yes, sir," Wes stated, and followed the Client to their hovercar.
"Here," The Client passed a blindfold back to Wes.
"What's this for?" Wes demanded.
"It's a blindfold."
"I know what it is...why are you giving one to me?"
"Like I'm going to just let you know the location of my hideout. Honestly...what do they teach you?"
What will you do?
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
Accept the blindfold and ask The client "why do you need my help im just a top trainee?"
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
"It's none of your business...again," the client told Wes sharply.
"Yes, sir," muttered Wes, tying the blindfold on. About ten minutes later, they reached their destination.
"You can take the blindfold off now," the client called back. Wes took the blindfold off and looked around. It was some sort of solid steel compound. A large computer monitor dominated one wall, weaponry and armor dominated the other. Bright white fluorescent lights illuminated the large room and gave it an almost electronic or sterilized look. Wes looked around nearly in awe.
"How did you get all this?" he asked.
"I planned ahead," the client replied simply. "We haven't got much time until they arrive. Set up whatever defenses you need. I have other work to do."
What will you do?
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
I ask got any good sniper nests/ventilation ducts?
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
"Up top," the client replied. "Outside the compound. There's a small watchtower. It'd probably work for you."
Faction: FEDA
Health: 59/60
Energy: 19/20
Intelligence: 2
Endurance: 6
Agility: 6
Strength: 6
Abilities: Construction, Hunting
Equipment: Tent, Camouflage Outfit, Laser Sniper Rifle, Pocketknife, Fire Starting Kit, First Aid Kit
I head up and set up for the fight.
Name:James brown
Health: gonna get pwned..
Energy: 150
Abilities:Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition.
Equipment[all]:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Equipped Weapon:
Equipped Armor:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Miscellaneous Equipment:
AHHHH BUBBLEGUM GIRL PERSON...umm ive seen alot of peoples that do that...I swear i saw one in a movie but i also played this game...operation sumtin....countdown mabye? no...
Uhh i head in.
Name:James brown
Health: gonna get pwned..
Energy: 150
Abilities:Telepathy, Telekinesis, Precognition.
Equipment[all]:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Equipped Weapon:
Equipped Armor:Sacred Robes[Full Body Clothing].
Miscellaneous Equipment:
OOC: Don't forget to take into account "Into the pipe, five by five". That's a big one too. I was going for the Dropship pilot from Starcraft.
James Brown headed in with the rest of his fellows.
"We should probably split up!" one called. "That way we'll cover more ground, more quickly."
"Ok," the rest of them reply, and they all split up so that everyone is by himself.
"But wait," one of the younger trainees calls. "Isn't this place supposed to be haunted?"
"Yes, why do you think they sent us here?" another answered. "Just suck it up and continue." James Brown walked, clenching and unclenching his fists with the fear. Suddenly, he's ambushed by some kind of creature. It has long blood encrusted claws, it's quadripedal, and its hair is black, long and wiry. It tackles Brown to the ground.
What will you do?
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