Post your Chaos Faction and Chaos Faction 2 character codes here Here are some examples (all examples are Chaos Faction 2): Epic N00b: 32,41,41,41,32,36,36 My Idol: 32,39,39,39,32,39,17 Brutility: 19,29,29,39,29,39,17 Evul Monkeh: 41,1,31,37,3,39,16 Yolkey: 32,28,28,32,50,39,50 Ihazrabies: 3,13,4,13,30,39,16 Kevin: 16,19,27,38,20,47,17 Circlz: 3,32,32,32,50,50,33 Mad Scientist: 3,24,24,24,24,24,24 Da Bot: 49,26,26,5,26,50,33
You may want to have all the character parts before using mine, but post your own as you wish
Me n Me :35,39,39,39,6,10,17 Rime:46,34,39,39,23,50,50 Ubot:27,26,26,26,37,27,37 real Eskimo CF1:13,20,20,20,6,20,6 Golden dynasty:37,32,32,32,31,31,31 Double:2,28,28,32,38,20,30 Homer simpson:3,33,33,17,1,33,50 invisible mout and eyes :50,11,11,11,37,11,11
[Random idea to keep this thread from being a spam-esque thread]
Why don't y'all have it so that you post your characters, then have others provide constructive feedback on your characters..also, when you post the characters yourself..maybe describe what made you come up with the character or why you made it etc