Yes, and do you know what that means: People are just afraid of the name Socialism. Thex think about Stalinism and BS like that. But If they really knew what it is, maybe they would accept it. That's what he means with callin' it liberal (I think)
You are right people are afraid of socialism.I don't know if many people realize that many liberal ideas are really just socialist ones with a different name.
Actually I wanted to say, that people don't care if some socialist ideas are good, they just don't want it because it has the name "socialist"... And if you call it liberal they might accept it... btw there are different forms of liberalism and one of them is social liberalism. It combines ideas of socialism and liberalism. So it's no wonder that some "socialist ideas" are also "liberal ideas".
Well I don't agree with socialism mainly because I beileve you should work for what you have not have it provided to you by a corrupt government.That being said socialism that isn't run by a corrupt government makes socialism a little better but Its a system that is very easily corrupted.
It supports some ideas of capitalism but also some "socialist" ideas like strong social support network and government regulation instead of just the free market.
Well about government regulation I suppose I support that some.Like there should not be huge companies that can do whatever they want and hurt whoever they want.Or a companies shouldn't dump toxic wastes into the Ocean and do on so there are dome things that the government should regulate.