Have you noticed how much every president before elections have promised and how few every president has ever actually made? It is how the world goes, don't blame Obama for this. Blame yourself for believing what everybody says.
It's your opinion.In my opinion,I believe that Obama just got into President Bush's[b]mess.He has done nothing wrong.He created the stimulus bill.That should do some good to the long term recovery.You won't just see immediate results.Wait another 2 or three years and then see[b] if he's done it right.
Yes he is a liar. I know all politicians lie, but that doesnât make it excusable. One of the lies that are most evident was his promise of transparency. Several times on the campaign trail he promised to open up Washington politics to the public. Yet, when the Health Care bill was being pushed through, we didnât get to see any of the debates. We didnât have access to all the back-room deals being brokered by Pelosi and company. He knew the majority of Americans didnât want that bill, so he hid as much as possible from the public.