The main reason men hate Justin Bieber so much is pure jealously, they see the girls that they adore collapse over him and they feel a hate for him. Im a girl and I dont love Justin Bieber and I dont like his music or think he is a very good singer, but you guys should stop being jealous of him and just turn your head away and not listen to him if you dont like him.
There is no reason to hate him because he's Canadian. But there is every reason to hate him besides that fact. He puts a bad face on Canada. And yes, he is a wannabe. The only reason that he is popular is because of the media, which makes people think he is popular. He's a "fad" artist. Anyone remember Hillary Duff? No. Because that was 5 years ago. In 5 years this child will be nothing.
I think Justin Bieber is merely a wannabe. In his first live performance, which everyone was soooo ecstatic about, he lip synced. Yeah. Go get some lessons from Gary Brolsma, ya noob!
Oh yeah, and there's this video, which I lol at every time I see it:
1) He is much more attractive then you 2) He is a sex symbol 3) He makes millions of dollars more than you 4) Teenage girls are attracted to him and not to you 5) He can sing 6) He is famous
Need to add a condition.
* Those who oppose this list are just jealous of Justin Bieber
just because he makes little girls tingle makes him a sex symbol and i though he was one of those christian bands who are into purity rings like the jonas brothers