if you've seen the movie great just don't expect it to be like it
some time in the distant future your a recruit fresh out of military school and are in a war against 2 races the arachnids a race of large spider like people and the skargans more humanoid people who help the arachnids and your the one who has to fight them! along with almost everyone on earth
Char sheet Name: Gender: Class:see below Primary wep.:see below Secondary:see below Equipment:see below Skill:anything you want not anything extra special though Vehicle: will get later Rank:Sgt. if officer Pvt. if anything else Bio:
Classes: Trench digger:you make fortifications fast and are equipped with special grenades Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto) Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete
Grunt: not the best name but your equipped with a nice rifle Primaryem "Buzzer" auto rifle secondary: R5 pistol Equipment: Frag grenade
Sniper:your far away death Primary: OSOK Sniper Secondary: .50 magnum Equipment: PMN mine
Grenadier: you have a good arm so you throw some nice grenades Primary: NT HE grenade Secondary: .50 magnum Equipment: extra ammo
Melee: sure you don't bring a knife to a gun fight but your an exception being very fast and having armor that absorbs a lot
Primary: LS plasma lance Secondary: LS plasma knife Equipment:HA Heavy armor
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
you gather your squad and 44 more men to get on the shuttle you also get a pilot with you they get off and you get a good look at the boarding ship...it looks almost...living like it itself is a organic ship...
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto) Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
you keep shooting and kill a few then you call out "MEDIC!" a medic comes out and sees your legs should be quick..." he patches you up what now?
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
"Wait, does anyone there have an explosive device that can be activately remotely?"
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto) Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
I run to the warthog and drive around gathering the bodies and equipment.
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
everyone checks but a demo man runs up "i have lots!"
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto) Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
you drive around and collect and bury the bodies taking their dog tags
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto) Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
I look around for guns that i can use (sniper or machinegun)
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
"Great. We'll need to plant those in the ship...you can come with me if you want. How many other people are on here?"
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto),skargan HMG Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
you find a skargan heavy machine gun extremely large clip and fast firing but terribly inaccurate
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
your recruits come up and the demo man says "w-what are you planning to do?"
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
"It's pretty simple...we need to blow the ship, and escape on these pods and landing craft here. It's obviously bug central now, and it needs to go. I'll plant the charges and while I'm there, I'll get all the humans that I can out safely, but we don't have a lot of options here."
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
"Do we really need to everyone by now is either dead or escaping there" you see a small stream of black dots presumably escape pods *BZZZZZPEEEEEWWWWWW* suddenly a beam of blinding light is fired and a dozen dots dissapear
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto),skargan HMG Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
"Yes, but look at the ship. It's mutating. If everyone's escaping, then we don't need to save them, that makes it easier, but the ship still needs to go. Or at least that gun that's destroying our escape pods."
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto),skargan HMG Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
you take it and head back to him "what now sir?"
"well we need to attack them and finish them off he have our Indian allies here" he points to a surprisingly orange man with a big crazy beard presumably the ruler
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto),skargan HMG Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
Name: Michael Thompson Gender: Male Class: Trench Digger Health: 100/100 Primary Weapon: AR-128,laser gatling gun Secondary: RGD-45 Incendiary Grenade Equipment: Shovel, Quick Concrete Skill: Armstrong[better at throwing grenades, and close quarters combat],Heavy weapons Vehicle: None Rank: Staff Sergeant Fortifications:10 bunkers,reinforced fence Troops:6 Bio: Thompson is just an average guy. Signed up for the MI just so he could go to college, found out he was good at it and enjoyed it so he went career and officer.
"well urgh fine...what do we do?"
Name:Wes Gender:Male Trench digger: with special grenades Health:100/100 Primary:AR-128 rifle (semi auto),skargan HMG Secondary: RGD-45 incendiary grenade equipment:shovel,quick concrete Skill: pierceing shot. Vehicle: Rank:Pvt. Fortifications: 2 Bunkers,1 main bunker,underground tunnels,2 living quarters,4 sniper nests,walls,underground trench,1 barracks,fortified foxhole Bio:Grew up on earth joined because i was looking for a future
you get put into a team made up of humans and Sarganians they are just like the Indians of earths past except everything is plasma