Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
hmm... *focuses* DARK AURA! *uses dark aura to unleash the combo on them, but instead of finishing with an impulse-like move, i teleport inside and float down*
I was thinking more along the lines of magical grapeshot or simply irritating the zombies...but gemstorm works.
*wipes the gem-dust still on his hands onto some grass. as he waves his hands to create yet another randomly colored orb, the grass turns into small, green, spinning daggers, which hurl themselves at the mega zombies*
"..." *the half-formed orb decides to fly at my hair, singing it, leaving me flummoxed, but otherwise unharmed*
*Tensa Zangetsu turns back to Shikai mode* *Switches with Shinso* Shoot to Kill, Shinso! *Blade extends and pierces a few zombies* *Swings it about in wide arcs while slicing a few more zombies in the process*
... screw my last attack, put 100 paper bombs on nicholas, and kick him to the zombies, then go into the bunker and active the explosive tags with a burst of chakra.
hmm... what to use what to use... oh well, i wanted to do a mother reference anyway... PK STARSTORM OMEGA! *fires off a PK Starstorm Omega at the Garbodor*
*Sends the blade back* Bankai! *Blade grows even more longer but I quickly retract it back* Kamishini no Yari. That's what it's called. *Extends the blade towards the Garbodor and stabs it* *Retracts the blade back but leaves a sliver of the blade inside it* Whatever you do, don't kill it.
Objective: Defend the bunker against the zombies! Helpful Info: Leaving the bunker for more than a turn during a wave is extremely dangerous. Statuses: Garbodor-Flaming (-5 HP/turn, -20 Zomdamage(r)/turn) Damaged: Critical: starcraftfan123 Dead: js0n1c Consumed: Vegetative: Intelligent Zombies: GhostSauce
WAVE FINAL Garbodor: 245/1150 HP Bulky Zombies: 70/200 Mega Zombies: 10/50
@GhostSauce: The smog produced by Garbodor kills you when you get near it! (No really- in game, the smog off it KILLS PEOPLE.) You come back as an intelligent zombie (now staying the hell away from Garbodor.) It also kills your dragon.
@sonicheroes95: You put out Garbodor's fire and deal 500 damage to it! The zombies GTFAW from the resulting smog and get about 15% to the bunker further!
@Darkfire45: You deal 50 damage to Garbodor! Thankfully, its poison can't get in or on steel.
@CommanderDude7: The Garbodor's smog causes the ice to melt in air.
@rick073: It's super effective! 200 damage to everything, killing 20 Mega Zombies and 100 Bulky Zombies!
... *focuses, and starts glowing blue* CHAOS. CONTROL! *freezes time,d doing which, i unleash a slash on (insert number of zombies chosen here) to behead them, and fire off 3 inverse bursts at the Garbodor, and GhostSauce.* that's checkmate. *Faints right after word* (i'll be out for the next objective, have fun)