Meh, I was going to let the original get down a few more pages, but I decided to make the sequel already.
Teh Creator: O hai. I'm not quite done fixing this reality, but there's enough to make you do something. Hey, it's not the best, but it's a life. Let's start with teh first and last parts I merged, plus a little from another reality nearby...
Objective: Destroy the Shadow Tank-Cat! HP: 500 Status: Null Helpful information: It's a tank. cat. tankcat.
i activate my rocket skates "Darkness" and skate on ahead. also, when i get to the mine field, i jump, and use warp snipe to teleport past them, and set them off as well.
You want to know something thunder Thunder comes after Lightning Teleports behind Sonic and Knee him in the gut then a left fist to the Trachea followed by a Jump kick to the face
ya wanna know something about Chaos? *starts glowing red (Chaos Boost)* it's unpredictable. *teleports to behind ThorRatFox and uses Chaos Snap on him, before ending with Chaos nightmare*
don't try playing with time around me. *time freezes for everyone but the two of us, instead* since i have chaos control, i can negate that. i counter your lightning torando with a water torando. (mythbuster: water is to far apart normally for it to conduct electricity while in the air. bath tub full of water would be electified. rain, not so much.)
HEY! I some how took offence to the update before the last one, because i JUST say the new pirates of the carribean, but i do JUST that(if even realivant, doubt it is, so you can ignore that) But i make voodo dolls(black beard style) of everyone in the race exepct me, and push the legs over the shoulders for everyone, hopefully hindeing them. I then go capture a mermaid, make her fall in love, kill her love, take her tear, find 2 silver challeces, go to the fountian of youth, fill one with the tear and water, the other with just the water, give the water one to chuck norris, the tear one to me. And if it so happens that chuck is not with us anymore, then i do the same with Bruce Lee. After that, i dump an entier fleet of ships out of bottles(because i used the trick earlier) and terraform the race way to water. LASTLY! I use this fleet(with the men, of course, still there) to reach the finish!
Using the power cosmic itself I set off the Mines before they deal Damage to the New DBS, TRF, and Sonic, alliance, with a Cero oscuras, then rush to the group and set of a lanza del relampago behind us to hit the stragglers.