I wanted a unique RPG and came up with this thing!
Name: Gender: Male or female? Grade: 7-12. The older you are, the more popular and stronger, but the harder your work is. Class: Look below. Friends: Yeah, the more friends the better. Grades: None yet. Boy/Girlfriend: Simple. Popularity: Strength: Intelligence: Items: None Classes: Pick your classes. Description:
Name: Caleb Porto Gender: Male Grade: 9th Job: Waiting Manager @Francisco's Italiano[$16/hour] Class: Average Joe Friends: Sarah Grades: B Boy/Girlfriend: Sarah Popularity: 12 Strength: 6 Intelligence: 6 Items: Iguana Electric Guitar[@home], Algebra Textbook, English Textbook[@school], Science Textbook[@school], History Textbook[@school], 3 Pens[@school], 3 Pencils[@school] Money: $40 Skills: Average Guitar, Average Electronics, Basic Boxing[Offense], Basic Parkour, Amateur Boxing[Defense] Classes: Algebra,Band,Science,History,Electronics, English Period 1: Sits next to gothy dude(Zane). Period 2: Sits next to nerdy girl(Janet). Period 3: Sits next to athletic dude(Joe). Period 4: Sits next to cheerleader(Sarah). Period 5: Sits next to normal girl(Michelle). Period 6: Sits next to "trickster" dude(Malcolm). Sports: Parkour, Boxing, Basketball Description: is relatively tall
A'right you stop at the barber's shop. "Hello sir, what can we do for you today?" the barber, a guy with a shiny cue tip head, asks. "Cherry kool aid hair?" "Uhh...kool aid?" "Yeah, just dye it with kool aid." "Well...I suppose that would be cheaper. But if we dye it with proper dye, it'll look better." "Just dye it with kool aid." "Fine...and what hairstyle do you want?"
Just post a link to a pic of whatever hair ya want.
Name: Caleb Porto Gender: Male Grade: 9th Job: Waiting Manager @Francisco's Italiano[$16/hour] Class: Average Joe Friends: Sarah Grades: B Boy/Girlfriend: Sarah Popularity: 12 Strength: 6 Intelligence: 6 Items: Iguana Electric Guitar[@home], Algebra Textbook, English Textbook[@school], Science Textbook[@school], History Textbook[@school], 3 Pens[@school], 3 Pencils[@school] Money: $40 Skills: Average Guitar, Average Electronics, Basic Boxing[Offense], Basic Parkour, Amateur Boxing[Defense] Classes: Algebra,Band,Science,History,Electronics, English Period 1: Sits next to gothy dude(Zane). Period 2: Sits next to nerdy girl(Janet). Period 3: Sits next to athletic dude(Joe). Period 4: Sits next to cheerleader(Sarah). Period 5: Sits next to normal girl(Michelle). Period 6: Sits next to "trickster" dude(Malcolm). Sports: Parkour, Boxing, Basketball Description: is relatively tall
Name: Samir Duran Gender: Male Grade: 8 Class:average joe Friends: none Grades: None Boy/Girlfriend:none Popularity:3 Strength:4 Intelligence:3 Items: None Classes: PE, woodshop, mechanics, english, band, science Description: just moved in from china and barely knows english
Name: Samir Duran Gender: Male Grade: 8 Class:average joe Friends: none Grades: None Boy/Girlfriend:none Popularity:3 Strength:4 Intelligence:3 Items: None Classes: PE, woodshop, mechanics, english, band, science Description: just moved in from china and barely knows english
Not good.
You have to take all these classes History English Science
Choose between these classes(the more difficult, the more intelligence you'll gain, but the easier it will be for your grades to fall if you don't pay attention). Math Algebra Calculus Trigonometry
Pick one of these classes. Band Art Dance Choir Drama
Pick one of these classes. Business Woodshop Mechanics PE Electronics Spanish German French Health Add the stuff on everyone elses' char sheet to yours; the periods, the job, the skills, money, etc. Oh, and everyone add Haircut/Clothes to your sheet as well. Here's your crash course. If you pay attention in English, Math, Science, or History classes, your Intelligence goes up, if you chat during that time, your Popularity goes up. If you pay attention in Band, Choir, Dance, Drama, you get a new skill. If you don't, you have a higher chance of getting a girlfriend. If you pay attention in your chosen free form elective, you will get a skill, if not, you'll have a higher chance of getting a friend. Any questions?
Name: Caleb Porto Gender: Male Grade: 9th Job: Waiting Manager @Francisco's Italiano[$16/hour] Class: Average Joe Friends: Sarah Grades: B Boy/Girlfriend: Sarah Popularity: 12 Strength: 6 Intelligence: 6 Items: Iguana Electric Guitar[@home], Algebra Textbook, English Textbook[@school], Science Textbook[@school], History Textbook[@school], 3 Pens[@school], 3 Pencils[@school] Money: $40 Skills: Average Guitar, Average Electronics, Basic Boxing[Offense], Basic Parkour, Amateur Boxing[Defense] Classes: Algebra,Band,Science,History,Electronics, English Period 1: Sits next to gothy dude(Zane). Period 2: Sits next to nerdy girl(Janet). Period 3: Sits next to athletic dude(Joe). Period 4: Sits next to cheerleader(Sarah). Period 5: Sits next to normal girl(Michelle). Period 6: Sits next to "trickster" dude(Malcolm). Sports: Parkour, Boxing, Basketball Description: is relatively tall
Name: Caleb Porto Gender: Male Grade: 9th Job: Waiting Manager @Francisco's Italiano[$16/hour] Class: Average Joe Friends: Sarah Grades: B Boy/Girlfriend: Sarah Popularity: 12 Strength: 6 Intelligence: 6 Items: Iguana Electric Guitar[@home], Algebra Textbook, English Textbook[@school], Science Textbook[@school], History Textbook[@school], 3 Pens[@school], 3 Pencils[@school] Money: $40 Skills: Average Guitar, Average Electronics, Basic Boxing[Offense], Basic Parkour, Amateur Boxing[Defense] Classes: Algebra,Band,Science,History,Electronics, English Period 1: Sits next to gothy dude(Zane). Period 2: Sits next to nerdy girl(Janet). Period 3: Sits next to athletic dude(Joe). Period 4: Sits next to cheerleader(Sarah). Period 5: Sits next to normal girl(Michelle). Period 6: Sits next to "trickster" dude(Malcolm). Sports: Parkour, Boxing, Basketball Description: is relatively tall
Name: Caleb Porto Gender: Male Grade: 9th Job: Waiting Manager @Francisco's Italiano[$16/hour] Class: Average Joe Friends: Sarah Grades: B Boy/Girlfriend: Sarah Popularity: 12 Strength: 6 Intelligence: 6 Items: Iguana Electric Guitar[@home], Algebra Textbook, English Textbook[@school], Science Textbook[@school], History Textbook[@school], 3 Pens[@school], 3 Pencils[@school] Money: $40 Skills: Average Guitar, Average Electronics, Basic Boxing[Offense], Basic Parkour, Amateur Boxing[Defense] Classes: Algebra,Band,Science,History,Electronics, English Period 1: Sits next to gothy dude(Zane). Period 2: Sits next to nerdy girl(Janet). Period 3: Sits next to athletic dude(Joe). Period 4: Sits next to cheerleader(Sarah). Period 5: Sits next to normal girl(Michelle). Period 6: Sits next to "trickster" dude(Malcolm). Sports: Parkour, Boxing, Basketball Description: is relatively tall
Can't you just post a pic to it instead of a video?
Name: Samir Duran Gender: Male Grade: 8 Class:average joe Friends: none Grades: None Boy/Girlfriend:none Popularity:4 Strength:3 Intelligence:3 Items: None Classes: history, science, english, math, band, woodshop skills:none money:none job:none items:3 pens, 3 pencils, math textbook, english textbook, science textbook, history textbook(that right?) cloths: blue jeans, white t-shirt hairdo: natural Description: just moved in from china and barely knows english
Name: Samir Duran Gender: Male Grade: 8 Class:average joe Friends: none Grades: None Boy/Girlfriend:none Popularity:4 Strength:3 Intelligence:3 Items: None Classes: Woodshop, Math, English, Band, History, Science skills:none money:none job:none items:3 pens[@school], 3 pencils[@school], math textbook[@school], english textbook[@school], science textbook[@school], history textbook[@school] clothes: Shirt, Pants, Shoes hairdo: natural Description: just moved in from china and barely knows english
Yup, that looks good. K, who will you work with in Woodshop?