IMO they both sucked but Robin Hood was just boring. I get that it was a prequel to Robin Hood but the entire movie was on the crusades. I would have rather seen a movie about Robin Hood the outlaw.
I was a huge Iron man 1 fan but the second was just a tad far fetched for me.....I mean the guy gets the parts for and build a particle accelerator in like half a day!
I found Robin Hood better than Iron Man 2... just because IronMan1 was really good and I was expecting a lot from the second one and when it failed me it failed me big time =(. I found Robin Hood okay, I found the scenery okay.
I think Robin Hood was better because it is the ultimate classic for me. But Iron Man was awesome too.
I didn't particularly like either movie, but I will have to say Iron Man 2. Russel Crowe is overrated, and Robin Hood made no sense. Robin Hood never led an army into battle, I tell ya that much. It was kinda lame. At least from IM2 I got a few laughs, and they played AC/DC which is a big bonus in their favor xP.