ForumsWEPRUN condemns Israel's actions......again

29 6597
340 posts

Do you think it's a bit biased?(don't bother looking at the comments on that site as they will make your brain rot)

We all saw the video of this cockup, do you honestly believe the IDF was in the wrong?

Also want to know your views on the UN. The Organization of countries with the motto: "Never Again". The funny thing is; "Never again" happened like 15 times and they barely interfered in most of them.

  • 29 Replies
641 posts

and the UN my go die in a whole filled of liberals...

assuming you meant "may" when you said "my" i completely agree. damned liberals, telling me i shouldn't shoot my guns in the air past 8 pm, i don't care if your wife works at the clinic, you live in the mountains, get over it.
1,751 posts

It didn't appear in the Israeli news. I wonder why....

815 posts

The UN could be compared to a Irish condom, full of holes and useless!

79 posts

To be honest I feel that Israel is in the wrong here all they seem to do is build on Palestine territory which is illegal by national law. Mind you if all my neighbours hated me I'd probably try to get as much land and resources before war broke out.

1,751 posts

To be honest I feel that Israel is in the wrong here all they seem to do is build on Palestine territory which is illegal by national law.

Israel never took away any land from the Palestinians. On the contrary, in 2005 Israel gave them Gaza.

Mind you if all my neighbours hated me I'd probably try to get as much land and resources before war broke out.

War has already broken out. 4 times. Also, what resources are you talking about? Olives?
79 posts

@tomertheking Ok so your Jewish and live in Israel no bias at all.....

8,257 posts

Israel never took away any land from the Palestinians. On the contrary, in 2005 Israel gave them Gaza.

Who cares whose territory it is by right, fact is Israel is building in a disputed area during a precarious situation. They do nothing to disarm the situation, in the contrary, they provoke without interruption. Yes Palestina is not innocent either, but that's not a reason for doing what is being done. Someone has to do the first move, or else it'll never get better.
600 posts

Israel never took away any land from the Palestinians. On the contrary, in 2005 Israel gave them Gaza.

Wasn't Israel created from pieces of land stolen from Palestine?

i laughed at that jew guy

Instead of contributing to the conversation you decided to voice your obvious antisemitism for what reason?
1,751 posts

Wasn't Israel created from pieces of land stolen from Palestine?

No, it was bought from Turkish landlords in the beginning of the previous century/end of the 19th century for triple the price. The land was almost completely useless (it was one small step from being sand) and was full of malaria-ridden swamps. Before WW2, it was ruled by the ottoman empire. After that it was under the care of England by the decision of the UN or league of nations. In 1947 Britain went away and the Palestinian civil war started- the Israelis were almost always on the defensive. When other arab countries started to attack the israelis, Israel succeeded in pushing them off and by the start of 1949 the war had ended. Point out where in the entire story had the palestinians been oppressed.
340 posts

Wasn't Israel created from pieces of land stolen from Palestine?

It was created by land given to them by the British, a place called palestine(originally owned by Jewish tribes before Rome "removed" them). The entire region was owned by the ottoman empire prior to WW1, but they sided with Germany and the Brits rolled over them.

Israel is now 4 times as large as it was when it was created because of the wars that followed it's creation (lol@ being attacked the day it was created). Israel took land in order to provide them a buffer to help fend off attackers, because no one likes being bombed by artillery/rockets in their cities. Israel fought for it's existence and won, something that I respect.
340 posts

damn I took too long writing that

3 posts

No surprise there, Iâm sure we all knew they would come to this conclusion. By their definition, itâs a âHumanitarian Crisis,â that terrorists are not allowed to freely transport weapons. Israel has never stopped food, water, or medicine on its way to Gaza. The UN is a joke, but thank God itâs a powerless joke. Imagine if the UN actually had the power to enforce its demented decisions.

1,633 posts

I give the Jews credit for defending themselves for some 60 years of almost constant warfare.

On the the other hand, Israel has made many political errors in its response to Palestine. It looks like the Israeli government really has no intentions of a peaceful coexistence with Palestine. Which to other nations makes Israel as bad as the Arabs.

1,751 posts

In my text, I accidentally wrote WW@ instead of WW1. Never mind.

It looks like the Israeli government really has no intentions of a peaceful coexistence with Palestine.

Lets see.

Oslo agreement

The agreement: Israeli troops would withdraw in stages from the West Bank and Gaza, that a "Palestinian Interim Self-Governing Authority" would be set up for a five-year transitional period, leading to a permanent settlement based on resolutions 242 and 338.

After that: There was an exchange of letters in which Yasser Arafat stated: "The PLO recognises the right of the State of Israel to exist in peace and security." Yitzhak Rabin said: "The Government of Israel has decided to recognise the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people."

My notes: The important part is the giving of permanent settlement to the palestinians.

Camp david

The offer of Israel:Israel offered the Gaza Strip, a large part of the West Bank, plus extra land from the Negev desert, while keeping major settlement blocks and most of East Jerusalem. It proposed Islamic guardianship of key sites in the Old City of Jerusalem and contributions to a fund for Palestinian refugees.

The palestinian demand: The Palestinians wanted to start with a reversion to the lines of 1967, offered the Israelis rights over the Jewish quarter of the Old City and wanted recognition of the "right of return" of Palestinian refugees.

My notes: The palestinans have already been given permanent settlement. Israel gets nothing if the palestinians had agreed to the proposal. but what does Israel get in return for giving away so much land for free? Even more greed.

Note: during the six day war, the situation in the west bank was the most critical to the isaelis, since a big part of israelis lived on the coast (for example, Tel-Aviv). The distance between the west bank and the coast is a half-hour ride in an old tank-about 15 kilometers. 10 miles. I think about 20 minutes or less on a car.The rockets could hit Tel-Aviv and the surrounding cities with ease.
Actually, rather like giving some extremist Muslims full use of an airport 10 miles from New-York. "Crashed into american buildings since 2001". You would love the idea, won't you?
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