Hi, and I decided to make a thread so that people could request games that they wanted, and hopefully some of the game makers out here could take a look at what people wanted and maybe implement it! No promises or anything, but let's just see how this goes.
If you're making a suggestion, I believe there's already a Fallout RPG. If not... Lolwut? Fallout's about an apocalyptic wasteland...GTA's about crime...I honestly don't see where you make a connection.
If you're making a suggestion, I believe there's already a Fallout RPG. If not... Lolwut? Fallout's about an apocalyptic wasteland...GTA's about crime...I honestly don't see where you make a connection.
they actually kinda are the same thing you can steal $h1t and then just kill everyone and run away
might i suggest a game like that halo reach game but make it halo combat evolved i likes that one better >.<
also would it surprise you guys that i don't even plan out a game i just think of a topic out of the blue playin another game and make that one? XD i haz sum imaginamation
Lol you wouldn't understand heres a short summary: Fallout is an apocoliptic GTA you can do more in it than GTA accept drive vehicles. GTA: Good but gets boreing and not as much to do as in fallout. (you can do more crime and stuff in fallout)
wes is right GTA gets pretty boring i played it but it doesn't make it not fun just the same either run around shooting guns till out of ammo then steal a car beat up a cabbie get a hooker cops but in fallout there are ghouls,super mutants,that scary black thing that i forgot it's name,giant super mutant,raiders,shall i go on?