Not exactly. Sure everyone has potential but most of those people that do don't feed it. Say you want to be a pianist. You have to work hard everyday and play new songs. If you were just to slack off you would never get anywhere, right? And then your potential would shrink to a bare minimum. It's still there but it's really unlikely to make it "grow" again.
I truly believe that everyone has the potential to be anyone. do you think so?
I do but as I said ^up there^ you need to work hard to become anyone. Of course if I was going to be a smart-a** on you, dead people don't have potential.
Unless of course you just have natural ability on the piano, and can play songs without much pract all.tice a
That's what I meant to say at first, but I ended up being more negative than anything. People usually don't want to be "anything", they usually want to be what they're good at/what's easy.
Unless of course you just have natural ability on the piano, and can play songs without much practice at all.
That's true. Very true. Although some people can't even play a note right and they don't have natural ability, now I'm talking about music but you could apply this to anything. If you don't have natural artistic talent then you need to work, if you can't act you'd have to practice, if you have a skinny (maybe weak) body and you want to play a sport you'd have to work out of some other thing to gain muscle. See where I'm going here?
Yeh I get the gist, but that is just a fact of life xP You can't idly sit back and expect things to fall in your lap, even with natural ability, you'd still need to dedicate time to practice and perfection, just a little less, and when you get good, you're usually really good.
People usually don't want to be "anything", they usually want to be what they're good at/what's easy.
I disagree. Much of our 'otential' is limited by our physical capabilities. For example, a midget is not going to become a professional football player due to physical limitations. A child with Down Syndrome is not going to become a particle physicist due to mental limitations. Furthermore there are societal and financial limitations which decrease certain options, as well as choices made now affecting possibilities in the future. While there is vast potential for each of us, it is not limitless.
Much of our 'otential' is limited by our physical capabilities. For example, a midget is not going to become a professional football player due to physical limitations.
They may not become professionals but they can still follow that path if they wish, and get atleast a good skill in those areas. A midget may not go professional, but he can certainly become good at controlling the football, skills and other things. You don't need to be professional.
They may not become professionals but they can still follow that path if they wish, and get atleast a good skill in those areas. A midget may not go professional, but he can certainly become good at controlling the football, skills and other things. You don't need to be professional.
While that is true, it still illustrates that potential is limited. The old adage "you can do whatever you want if you put your mind to it" is false. Sure, you can gain some skill, but you are still bound by limitations.
They may not become professionals but they can still follow that path if they wish, and get atleast a good skill in those areas. A midget may not go professional, but he can certainly become good at controlling the football, skills and other things. You don't need to be professional.
How about someone who's mute? Can they pick up good skills in singing?
I truly believe that everyone has the potential to be anyone. do you think so?
No I do not, I think that's bs. No offense, but no matter how hard you work you cannot be "anything you want to be". Set your goals to something practical and achievable, work hard, and yes, you can achieve your goals. But it's stuff like this that has kids growing up thinking they can be an astronaut, cowboy, soldier, police officer, firefighter, and doctor all at once.
well if you put enough effort in a sport couldnt you be a star
Not really...there's a difference between being really good, and being a star. Let me try to explain it to you. Being Really Good Requires: Lots and lots of dedication and hard work. Being A Star Requires: Lots and lots of dedication and hard work, a shitload of once-in-a-lifetime luck, and knowing the right people. And to be honest, I think people underestimate what lots of hard work is...there are no training montages in real life, people! Hard work is...hard work!
No one can be anyone they want to be, anything they want to be, etc. Even within reason, the chances of me, for instance, becoming a great singer are virtually zero. However, does that mean I have no potential? No. I just have no potential in singing. I could learn to play guitar or piano and be good at that, but even that might not necessarily mean I have potential in guitar or piano. It would just mean I can play them, not have great potential.
People who become leaders in their fields have had potential, straight from birth. Certain traits they have make them better at what they do, than most people can ever hope to be. We all have great potential in at least a few things, though. Trouble is in finding what that is.
But no, I cannot be a world famous singer. I just don't have the potential or capability to do so.
to be honest i don't believe in my topic i just wanted a good discussion. also what people were saying: i believe that scientific discovery will eventually lead people into people having their genetics changed by some kind of surgery so that they will be able to be anyone, just not perhaps with their predetermined physical body.