I find it more challenging then the random quartermaster maps where you pretty quickly have an unlimited supply of resources and survivors. Not to say it's a nailbiter. Anyways my first go at it.
Having massive trouble learning how to script from scratch. I feel to make levels actually challenging I need to figure out how to manipulate the spawn rate or amount or spawn point. Any advice welcome!
Otherwise it just seems to be test playing over, and over, and over, to fine tune how many resources vs. how many zombies they have to kill in order to force the player to be ultra careful or run out of bullets and die. Again.. any input is welcome.
Love the game! So thankful we can play it and DL it and map make. It's something I'll be tinkering with for years to come... unless a version 2 comes out. ^^
That's because somehow the link has the invisible html code of this comment reply in it. Just cut the last two open and close paragraph tags and the My off the end of the link. You can click the link... then when it says it doesn't work... go up to the address bar...press backspace 9 individual times.... then press enter.
Or I can try to link it again here. Dunno if it will work but here goes.
Wow I thought this thread died, now its up to 11 pages lol. So from what I read you can basically script your own levels, waves and all the other events that happen within the game? I bet if the game allowed scripting of units and player buildings it would be awesome, idk is it possible to make a flash game where graphics and such can be linked via url on runtime? Then possibly a multiplayer option lolz just that would crush all other Zombie flash games
I thought I mentioned I downloaded the tutorial levels and looked at them. I have 0 experience scripting however so working of an example with no assistance or direction is very difficult. At least for me because I have no experience. I do think out a general plan for my level before I begin but I let it grow and change organicly as I design.
As a side note nothing ever comes out 'erfect'. Not sure it's possible. There's almost always room for improvement. Sometimes only slight improvements but still... then it's not perfect.