Satan has guided us through life as we know it. He has kept God in business all these years, and, unfortunately, served as a symbol of evil so fat and greedy Catholics could get more money from their followers.
Ritual, my darlings! Ritual and follow the 11 rules of Satan!
1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked. 2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them. 3. When in another's lair, show them respect or else do not go there. 4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy. 5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. 6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved. 7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. 8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself. 9. Do not harm little children. 10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food. 11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they donât stop, destroy them.
i think it makes an interesting coincidence that the roman empires downfall began around the time of conversion to Christianity.
The downfall of Rome would have come sooner without the conversion to Christian beliefs. The christian faith gave people hope and therefore prolonged the Empire for another century according to historians. The downfall of Rome was long in coming and has little to do with religion.
Of course the fact that the the Roman high-ups were fighting the people in their own country at the same time as fighting the rest of the world didn't help.
Satan is a better choice than God, but I think there would be even better gods to follow.. now there aren't even any, so Carpe Diem and don't worry be happy. I think Blackvortex's picture pretty much sums it up *thumbs up*.
I am a member of the First Church of Satan. PRAISE SATAN!
and 314d1? your ficticious god hath not the powers of the true Prince of Darkness, Bringer of Heathener's Destruction and Cleanser of this Realm. BAH! I pity you, as when He walks again, you will be one of the first to feel His wrath