His hair, obviously. I hear stories about girls asking their boyfriend to cut their hair just like Bieber does. Personnaly, if my girlfriend was selfish enough to ask me that, I'd quit her right away; it's unthinkable that someone would want the person they love to look like another one.
So apparently I'm a guy in real life... Good to know!!
But, yeah, I pretty much hate Justin. I really don't see him as that great, the first time I heard him singing I thought it was a girl. I guess it's normal for us (them) to like someone nearly the same age...
I pretend to be male all the time, or just let others assume.
It stops the questions. Fast.
I don't know what girls see in this Beiber kid. He looks like jailbait and irritates the bleep out of me. Shame on these girls. Where's their dignity? Oh wait, I think I just saw it get run over out on the highway.
The more people say they think he is a little twerp, the more women like him. Fact.
Boy: Justin is so gosh darn cool. Girl: He is a goober. yeesh, why don't you just marry him? Boy: HAaaazaah! Gotcha!! Girl: Newb. Or at least that is how I imagine the conversation would go down.
My classmate-girls think, that Justin Bieber sounds like a woman (Which is true), but some people like of him, even though he looks just like any other boy. I don't get it. What's so "cute" about him? I just don't get it...