I'm afraid that this is in the wrong section, man. This is for original work only. If you want to talk about music, movies, etc, go to the Media forum. kthxbai
dream theater. greatest drummer of the last 20 years. one of the greatest guitarists of all time, probably the greatest bassist of all time, one of the greatest ketboardists of all time.
overall the most overall talented bad of all time probably
This is excruciatingly difficult for me to decide on, so I will give a list!
Favorite indie bands . . . . Modest Mouse Arcade Fire Built to Spill Faunts Neutral Milk Hotel Fleet Foxes
Favorite prog bands . . . . Yes Spock's Beard Opeth(I am very picky with them though, because a lot of their stuff is emotionless) Genesis Pink Floyd King Crimson
its hard to pick i have to say all the bands i like are my favorite bands lol because its hard to pick out of all of them but i like the medic droid,breaking benjamin,young jeezy all that stuff