List of popular topics for the Media section. Please feel free to add a reply with a topic that needs to be submitted with the list and it will be updated periodically.
You're making a stickie with the most popular threads? Good thinking Asherlee! =D It makes for better surfing of this forum! *thumbs up*
And I'm flattered that my own 'CRBWC' is one of them! Thanx!
I had a look at the thread that was suggested by 'thepossum' called "Favorite Genre of Music", but that is actually a thread that's made three times now!
@MrDayCee:I was aware of that. I made mine because it is suppossed to be the official one that Asherlee was suppossed to sticky. I'll have to remind her...
Possum, let me tell you something. My job as a moderator is not to cater to your every forum need. My job as a moderator is mostly to handle the spam on this website and keep the baddies out. Which consumes a lot of time. Just because I don't do something in YOUR time frame, doesn't mean squat to me.
I also work 60+ hours a week at a paying job. So, you can shove your little rude comment where the sun doesn't shine, kid.