oh man, that [current pop/rap music star that is either hated or loved who will be forgotten in a few years] sure is awful. but at the same time, that current [latest movie/book that has generated both hate and fandom] is pretty bogus too. I just can't decide which is worse. so if you guys could help me decide which is worse, that sure would be top-notch.
also, who's better, [death metal band] or [band of a completely different style and genre]? they're both pretty nifty.
I should make three more threads just like this! you people should too, good buddies!
i think you need to be more explanatory because i dont really know what you mean and id love to answer your question
I will translate from the sarcasm: People should stop making a hundred threads about pop-idols, artists, and other provocative media/persons just because they think it is cool to hate on them. They should also stop making a hundred threads trying to compare things that cannot be compared and will largely depend on what genre of music your like, more than what the bands' music are, or how well they play.
Basically stop making crap threads, start making quality threads that are worth clicking the submit-button for.
It sure is tiresome to hear about all that, ain't it? Sometimes it makes you want to curl up under a rock or in a deep hole to get away from all the mindless blather.
Or maybe just go for a hike. In the middle of nowhere. Where the whining is only a distant memory.
Well crud, this is the Internet, I guess. Looking for intelligent conversation online is like trying to find where Elvis is hiding.
Dangit manta...I'm sure you hate those pop-idols and controversial movies.
yes, goshdarn Dangit manta...I'm sure you hate those pop-idols and controversial movies.it! you sure would be a pal if you could tell me who's the worst!
Well crud, this is the Internet, I guess. Looking for intelligent conversation online is like trying to find where Elvis is hiding.
for real. you can look all you want, and maybe, MAYBE find some, if you really ask for it, or at least know who you're talking to... but man.
popular media section is becoming cesspool-ish, can we, like, implement a crappy thread filter? if Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, Twilight, Hannah Montana, etc. etc. are in the title, send it to the mods to be approved.
Speeeeenchaaaaaaaaa I'm only posting in here cause its yyoouuurrr thrreeeaaddddd! [/obsessed] Ryan goes to me today 'Spencha ', out of the blue. You're loved [/more obsessed]
Oh blimey, I actually have nothing relatively on topic to put here.. Um.. There's even been a few JB hate threads leaking into the Tavern, yano. I think there may have been one for Hannah Montana too. This is the Popular Media section and JB clearly isn't popular, so hush up!
Speeeeenchaaaaaaaaa I'm only posting in here cause its yyoouuurrr thrreeeaaddddd! [/obsessed] Ryan goes to me today 'Spencha ', out of the blue. You're loved [/more obsessed]
guess who can't log into his MSN, by the way.
Oh blimey, I actually have nothing relatively on topic to put here.. Um.. There's even been a few JB hate threads leaking into the Tavern, yano. I think there may have been one for Hannah Montana too. This is the Popular Media section and JB clearly isn't popular, so hush up!
haha, it's so obvious how many users on this site are like 12 and 13. hate on the kid as much as you want, but leave me alone about it. or like, make an official JB hate thread in the stickies.
OMG HAO CAN JOO ZAY DIS?! JBABY WILL NOT BEE FORGOTTED!!!!!!!! *runs away, slamming door behind her* Because he is like a plague upon the Earth. You forgot the stereotypical little girl, who we actually don't see around very often, and the heavy metal darko. Anyways, yeah, nice thread. Oh, and as for Jess and Manta? *cue epic love ballad*
O, there was a phoenix teen Who fell in love with manta keen And yet MSN messenger has failed To carry their love along the trail
They met one night on teh internetz He was SPENCHA, she JESSIKASAURUS REX Disregarding the age discrepancy It's truly touching, internety
Yet this love could never last MSN made it a thing of the past And yet, one fateful summer night The Manta created a thread that made light
Of threads on the Media forum And that's where Jess did chance upon him They were buddies reunited Now to remain forever undivided
HAAAHHAAAA.... I'm sawwy for laughing. But it truly is nice to see two friends meetin' again.
B8ut yeah, generic pop idol's new song is driving me crazy. Also, generic death metal band's just kinda boring to me. I'lltake mah Cynic over them any day, kthxbai.
Also, how about those generic sarcastic threads? I love those. Make 'em all the time.