Hey everyone, just a quick message which I'll make "sticky" in a moment.
This new forum will be used for AG3 news, notes, suggestions, feedback, questions, etc. This is where I'll be spending most of my time in the forums, helping you awesome peeps understand what it is we're building, and help funnel the flow of information in each direction between you and the rest of the company so everyone's on the same page.
Well jezz, before you shoot me down again. I mean who really has the time to go through the hundred thoughsands of the forum topics and see which thread is important or not and decide to keep it or not. and if it is a new site to attract more people, who would really think it fair to come onto a BRAND new site, and already have people in the thousands for forum posts? Already have half of their ranks up? But thats just me.
Everyone will have an equal opportunity for ranks. Also, I don't know what the 'owers of the mods' are, but I hope that deleting pointless comments and forum posts and threads is one of them in this new site. Like If a mod deleted it, the AP gained is lost, and a little notifacation comes on your comment list saying something like " your comment (or post) on the game, BLAHBLAHBLAH, (or the forum topic, Lardeedahdeedah,) was deleted because it was spam." and then put like a -2 in red or something to show they lost 2 ap. it would be snazzy, but the site would probably still be great without it.
But the problem with archiving this forum is that a lot of threads are still actively running, and have been for ages. Like you said, MoonFairy, who has the time or energy to sort through threads that are long-running and still continued?
I hope that deleting pointless comments and forum posts and threads is one of them in this new site.