I mean 3 condoms for $6 dollars? If that's sending me a message from the Condom Companies, it would be: "Condoms are for wussies and people with a lot of spending money and people who care about STD's and babies!"
And so, honestly, what do you think about Condoms? Are they condoned? "I love my STDs and love children so I will never use Condoms!"
It depends on how you look at it. Some would say that you took advantage of a girl who was too young to give informed consent.
True, but if she's the same age as you then she took advantage of you. We have scientific proof that girls mature faster than boys, so if she's the same age then she's more mature, both emotionally and mentally, the vast majority of the time. And if no force is involved then it would stand to reason that, if anything, she is just as culpable if not more so.
But of course, in this society that still has such large gender inequalities and false perceptions, women are obviously weaker-minded and bodied - easier to manipulate. At least that's how the law seems to view these sorts of things.
But of course, in this society that still has such large gender inequalities and false perceptions, women are obviously weaker-minded and bodied - easier to manipulate. At least that's how the law seems to view these sorts of things.
True, and a lot of that is a hold-over from our patriarchal past. It's inaccurate and in my mind degrading, but it is what it is unless we change these misconceptions and laws.
In many senses MR - society is still patriarchal. I also think that the US and UK are very familistic rather than individualistic - which doesn't help anything along.
Actually that's only sex with a minor by an adult. If you are both underage then there is no legal offense committed. Also, in most states the age of consent w/ parental approval varies from 14-16, and the legal age of consent varies from 16-18 without parental consent.
That's a wide block of time to be sexually active, and no I wouldn't consider it enabling, I would consider it protecting your child. If my kids are going to have sex young I want to make sure they are educated and have all manner of protection available.
They are going to start when they are ready, not when I want them to, so all I can do is teach them and be there to protect them. If that means handing condoms to my 14 or 15 year old child, I'd rather do that than have them get someone pregnant or wind up with an STD.
You can't get charged with statutory rape but I've had experiences and have learned that if you are both juveniles the parent's of the daughter, if they want to, can press charges.
You can't get charged with statutory **** but I've had experiences and have learned that if you are both juveniles the parent's of the daughter, if they want to, can press charges.
Correct. In some states the parents, or even the state, can press charges. You know what those charges constitute? Statutory r4pe. You said in your post that you can't get charged, then went on to say you can, which is actually the correct part of your statement. Next time you might want to think about what you are saying before you post.
Correct. In some states the parents, or even the state, can press charges. You know what those charges constitute? Statutory r4pe. You said in your post that you can't get charged, then went on to say you can, which is actually the correct part of your statement. Next time you might want to think about what you are saying before you post.
Yes, and no. Not statutory rape like I said before, but in legal terms you can, but you can easily defend yourself by having "evidence of a pre-existing sexual relationship between actor and victim that did not constitute statutory rape."
Yes, and no. Not statutory **** like I said before, but in legal terms you can, but you can easily defend yourself by having "evidence of a pre-existing sexual relationship between actor and victim that did not constitute statutory ****."
That is a pointless argument, because in the states where minors can be charged with said crime for intercourse with that person, then it is impossible to "establish a pre-existing relationship that did not constitute statutory r4ape" because ANY INTERCOURSE between those two, regardless of consent, is statutory r4pe due to their age.