This would be an additional tab like the comments under the rating systems for games. If users were to click on it, they could see hints and tips that have been posted by users.
I don't think so, I think you should get 2 AP for the reviews/comments. And then 2 AP for the walkthrough/help comments, that would increase for every so many "good advice" ratings that you get.
So if you post and answer and your get 30 "good advice" ratings. If you get 1 AP for every 10 "good advice" ratings. You would gain 3 AP in addition to the 2 AP you received just for posting. I hope that made sense.
Hmm...good point that would cut down on spam. There won't ofcourse be AP for asking a question. But I see no point to increasing the ratings someone could give. Maybe something like a best answer system?