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438 161539
2,891 posts

In a nutshell, we don't know.

That should clear up everyone's questions, right? Good ...

As a development team and as a company, we know that the forums are extremely important to some of you, and we know that some of you have put a lot (!!!!) of effort into building up the community here, especially those who have written the more creative poetic stuff. C'mon, how many of you have > 5,000 posts, raise your hands. That amount of effort is *staggering*. Seriously, I think the highest post count I've seen was ~8400? Over 2.5 years, that'd be like 10 posts EVERY DAY since AG2 launched.

The effort of migrating that much data from AG2 to AG3 is almost as staggering, since the guy who wrote the AG2 forum software didn't make it terribly efficient, and the way we're linking accounts, etc., between the two systems might cause problems. Trying to migrate it to AG3 will be a pretty big job, and it will probably fall in my lap since I'm sorta the database guru around here, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's up to me whether I want to do it or not. If Dan says do it, I do it.

Whether we start over, and wipe everything, and build a new forum engine, or implement someone else's forum software, remains to be discussed internally because it's not a critical feature for us yet. That doesn't mean it's not important to us, it just means we have to get core features working like, y'know, logging in.

Will we migrate old posts into the new forum software? It depends whether we can find an easy way to make the old forum data compatible. Nothing's *impossible* but it's also not practical for us to spend development time (read: dollars) for us to spend a big amount of effort trying to sort stuff out so it's all perfect and pristine.

If we start over with forum posts, will we archive the old forums? Again, nothing's impossible, but I can't answer that right now.

What will happen to your armor points for forum posts? Well, since armor points are also up in the air regarding the same sort of "wipe vs migrate" discussions, I can't answer that question right now either.

Please direct people asking about the future of AG2 forums to this thread if they start asking questions in other forums/threads. I'll post updates to this thread as I have more information.

  • 438 Replies
123 posts

Would it be possible to "edit" our previous threads? I mean, put them below the original text under "edit" so that way no one can trick potential posters. This would help a lot if we forget something in the original message. No Armor points would be given for editing your work.


I went to the coffee shop.

I went to the coffee shop today.

12,319 posts

I think this is a good idea for AG3, but:

No Armor points would be given for editing your work.

You won't get AP for posting in the forums on AG3. Also, I think any reputation earned for the original post should stay in the edited version.
2,891 posts

Would it be possible to "edit" our previous threads?

Why, so you can go back and change your message after realizing that this question has been asked about 50 times? ;o)

The problem is tracking edits, so that users can see some kind of history, especially for forum games, or controversial conversation.

I'm thinking more along the lines of:

user 1: I think Hitler was the greatest leader of all time!
user 2: stop trolling, people like you need therapy!
user 3: user 1, you're an uneducated person who doesn't understand world history

later, user 1 goes back and says something like

"I think Jesus was a great spiritual leader"

... which changes the context of EVERY response following.

As such, I'm hoping to find forum software that will only allow you to edit your post for 5 minutes after you publish it, and the original message will still be seen by other users (or Moderators/Admins at the very least)
5,061 posts

It's been a while since I checked it out, but I think Hallpass uses that style.

244 posts

i didnot understand this word : If we start over with forum posts, will we archive the old forums? Again, nothing's impossible, but I can't answer that right now.

What will happen to your armor points for forum posts? Well, since armor points are also up in the air regarding the same sort of "wipe vs migrate" discussions, I can't answer that question right now either.

and this too :
As a development team and as a company, we know that the forums are extremely important to some of you, and we know that some of you have put a lot (!!!!) of effort into building up the community here, especially those who have written the more creative poetic stuff. C'mon, how many of you have > 5,000 posts, raise your hands. That amount of effort is *staggering*. Seriously, I think the highest post count I've seen was ~8400? Over 2.5 years, that'd be like 10 posts EVERY DAY since AG2 launched.
what did u mean cormyn?

3,139 posts

i didnot understand this word : If we start over with forum posts, will we archive the old forums? Again, nothing's impossible, but I can't answer that right now.

What will happen to your armor points for forum posts? Well, since armor points are also up in the air regarding the same sort of "wipe vs migrate" discussions, I can't answer that question right now either

Pretty much they don't know if they're going to bring the existing forum threads and posts over to AG3. This means they don't know what to do about the AP because it will depend on if they transfer it/give points or a legacy achievement.

As a development team and as a company, we know that the forums are extremely important to some of you, and we know that some of you have put a lot (!!!!) of effort into building up the community here, especially those who have written the more creative poetic stuff. C'mon, how many of you have > 5,000 posts, raise your hands. That amount of effort is *staggering*. Seriously, I think the highest post count I've seen was ~8400? Over 2.5 years, that'd be like 10 posts EVERY DAY since AG2 launched.

He was simply stating he knows how important the forum community is on here because people have spent a lot of time and effort contributing to the forums, therefore their forum post number is incredible.
244 posts

Oh Okay
thanks Jefferysinspiration

1,242 posts

This is just me throwing an idea out there, but for people who speak a different language who have a lot of trouble translating their comments to English, could their be a translator built into the system?

2,891 posts

rivercrab01: automated translators aren't accurate enough.

Your best bet is to use something like Google Translate, review it for accuracy, and then paste your text here.

123 posts


I see your point about changing posts. :S

There are plenty of dishonest people out there that would take advantage of that.

I was thinking along the lines of RuneScape's forums. The posts there say when the last edit was made. I was saying it should be made more obvious on these forums that an edit was made. (Sorry about bringing up an old question):S

Good story by the way. ^_^

2,891 posts

I've said this several times before, but it's worth repeating: if I have any say on it, the forum engine will only allow users to edit their post ONCE, must be changed within 5 minutes after submission, and a message will show what changed in the message.

123 posts

That's fair enough. That's more than enough time to realize that you had a grammar error or you left something important out by mistake.

1,526 posts

Good update cormyn. We have sometimes to remake a post to change something (mistake). And it can be considered as spamming.

5,552 posts

Sorry if this has already been suggested, I am feeling too lazy to look through the 14 pages, but, a "List all users posts" function would be awesome. I can't tell you how many times i've been asked to find where a person said something in an argument, only to have to search through 20 threads each 50 pages long looking for one snippet of a post. If there was a way to show all the posts a user ever made via date, that would be wonderful.

2,891 posts

I am feeling too lazy to look through the 14 pages

Stop being lazy ;o)
Actually, if we had a decent edit feature, I could alter my opening post and list the topics and ideas and our response to each.
But yes, your idea of listing all of your posts (or someone else's) has been suggested several times. A search option will also be available, I'm sure.
Showing 121-135 of 438