I thought since the new section came out about suggestions for AG3, I would take this opportunity to create another thread and expand on and create new ideas that I think could be implemented to help improve 'user-friendliness' and feedback. I haven't gone into as much detail as previous threads, but if you'd like to know more about them, please feel free to ask.
The ideas listed on this post will be ideas that I had previously made and improved on, and also some new ones that I came across while using the AG site. All of the ideas I will be listing are hopefully all origional (...and I think they are). And while I do not know if any of these features will be already changed in AG3, I felt like it wouldn't hurt to throw some suggestions out regardless.
Again, these are NOT complaints, simply suggestions!
So! Without further ado, let's get these suggestions going!
-Be able to switch pages of a thread and keep the text you have in your message. It is very frustrating to try and flip through pages if you are planning to quote someone, and have to copy and paste everything you see into notepad to form your post.
-Instead of hiding the help button at the end of the list, maybe put it in the front to make it more noticable. Also, instead of having the help threads in various sections of the forums, possibly make 'help' its very own section.
-Have something on the AG site to check for merits so you don't have to go digging through pages of comments or your junk folder in your email. This should also include the date/time/post of the merit.
-When making comments on your profile, have the abilty to make a comment that stands out, and possibly stays at the top of the list.
-Include a 'recently visited' profile section on your profile page.
-Include buttons for bold, italic, ect. into your 'about' section of your profile so memorizing code isn't needed.
-Add a "revious avatar" section into the different armatar categories.
-Have the ability to stop certain users from commenting on your profile. (For those annoyances!)
-A Bulletin Board type thing in that giant empty space between your name and your rank on your profile page.
Here you could post any upcoming events for various things, like forum threads.
And more to come when I get my semi-brilliant mind back to work! Hopefully some of these features can be put into AG3, as I think it would make life alot easier for everyone. And who wouldn't agree, we could all use some 'easy' after a long day.
-Be able to switch pages of a thread and keep the text you have in your message. It is very frustrating to try and flip through pages if you are planning to quote someone, and have to copy and paste everything you see into notepad to form your post.
I like this one the best. This feature would be extremely handy.
-Have something on the AG site to check for merits so you don't have to go digging through pages of comments or your junk folder in your email. This should also include the date/time/post of the merit.
Like a Top 10 Game Review Comments Section?
-When making comments on your profile, have the abilty to make a comment that stands out, and possibly stays at the top of the list.
Not sure about this one ... I don't know.
-Include a 'recently visited' profile section on your profile page.
This is a good idea!
-Include buttons for bold, italic, ect. into your 'about' section of your profile so memorizing code isn't needed.
Strength, and others: it's WAY more helpful to us if you separate your ideas into separate threads, so we can track them easier. PLEASE also check the pages in the forum so far to make sure you're not duplicating a suggestion idea. It gets too confusing for us to keep track of them when there are lots of duplicate threads.