It may be the annoying cubicle neighbor whistling on and on. Or the cruel, jerk that goes to your school. But what I am after is the fact that people debate about, god, gays, politics, and money. I myself believe that every one has their own right to what, and the pursuit of happyness. If anyone would like to debate this please leave a comment... Duh!
I accept murderers who have already punished by law. The word "tolerate" means "do nothing bad to people who act wrongly". It's not "do nothing bad to people who ACTED wrongly".
The word "tolerate" means "do nothing bad to people who act wrongly". It's not "do nothing bad to people who ACTED wrongly"
Actually Mirriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the word "tolerance" as: a : sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b : the act of allowing something
Let's be realistic, no one is tolerant. We all have things which we will not put up with or allow. Typically people are intolerant only of those actions which can or do impede on their rights, however there is also a large portion who are simply intolerant of what goes against their personal morals, and that is where we run into problems.
My thought is that as long as something does not directly interfere with your rights and freedoms then it should be tolerated. When we start censoring things which do not interfere with our rights, but only go against our morals, we create a state in which the majority is capable of censoring everyone based on their morals and ideals, and we all know that is a very dangerous situation.
Even if your morals are in line with the current majority there is no guarantee that the majority will always be what it is, or retain the same values as you have, or even that your values won't change, and should you become at odds with that majority you have created a situation in which you yourself may be censored, discriminated against, and even persecuted simply because you disagree with the majority.