Liu Xiaobo is the first person to get a Nobel Prize with the Chinese nationality. However, ironically, the Chinese government blocked the new, because Liu Xiaobo is being prisoned for political reasons. What do you think?
P.S. As the majority in AG is American, I expect three pages of pure troll.
The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke. Gandhi and Mother Teresa never received it, but Obama did. Despite saying he was going to do a troop surge in Afghanistan, the Nobel comity picked him. What a crock.
AH good old China, I thinks it funny at the comments about China. These people need to have a good look at theres and see that their is no difference.
Kinda funny that this guy got put away for speaking against his government lol. He won it for "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China", maybe violence is needed to change china.
Gandhi and Mother Teresa never received it, but Obama did.
Gandi, maybe. Mother Teresa, no she didn't deserve it. I also don't think Obama deserved it either. Hey I have an idea that may or may not further world peace that I may or may not someday implement, where's my Nobel Peace Prize?
Hey I have an idea that may or may not further world peace that I may or may not someday implement, where's my Nobel Peace Prize?
Sorry you need to be the first black American president so history will remember you as a peace... person... thing... Peacemaker, thats it.
maybe violence is needed to change china.
I think china has had enuf violence within its borders for one day. Well, everyday really. As much as I hate western society... scratch that... society, I understand that Im lucky for many things in the UK. Its a case of being skrewed over by a government that at least ACTS like it cares. Also we do have SOME good people tring to make a difference. USA is the same... in china, your expendable, and its far from the worst place in the world for "disappearing" either. Im glad Lui Xiaobo has the prize, it might just push china into the public forum a lil more.
I think that it's sort of stupid that the Chinese are not letting him have the Prize just because of violating the law. Maybe he could use the million yuan/dollars or whatever to bail him out.
Even though I part Chinese I don't know much about its political system.