What are some of the most memorable songs you have ever heard? For instance for me it would have to be Fade to Black It's so depressing, it gives me chills, but yet it is one of the most unforgettable songs I have ever heard
irvine by Kelly Clarkson its off her third album My December which has a lot of memorable songs. Bit this one is just so sad and haunting it gives me the shivers.
Here's one. laynext=9"> Forever by KISS Possibly the best song KISS ever wrote. Here's another. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXZcJojTucg&a=GxdCwVVULXe_88bAf5B56q4vpb_639FM&list=ML&feature=BF] I'm Eighteen by Alice Cooper [/url The anthem for many a confused teenager, and I love a lot of the songs that have been mentioned.
>_< Are you gonna post anything besides Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, the Big 4 of thrash, Gamma Ray, or Hammerfall? Nobody's gonna believe you unless you can back it up more D:
And on another note . . . a lot of songs are memorable. I always found that the finale songs or centerieces of AAA albums are the most memorable. Ihaz multiple examples, though not all of them follow the general guideline . . . .