I understand this isn't a huge concern but I was curious if there are any plans to make a mobile version of the forums? Myself I've found the forums to be workable but not great and my phone is better than most which leads me to wonder how others on less quality devices are faring.
Also along the same lines what's the chance of being able to access my profile or the AG blog in mobile format?
The point isn't that they can't be accessed but that it would be easier to use if there was a version of the forums streamlined for mobile phones.
Heck, I can play most of the games on the site on my Incredible but it's a high end Android, what about the users on less powerful smart or multimedia phones?
Heck, I can play most of the games on the site on my Incredible but it's a high end Android, what about the users on less powerful smart or multimedia phones?
Yes, we'll have some sort of forum. We just don't know if we're starting over or whether whatever forum engine we build/implement can import the old forums, etc.
I *do* see a lot of features coming up in AG3 that may make the forums less active, but I imagine we'll still have *some* sort of forum area.
My dad works at motorola, so I'd have to say get one of the Droids
That's something you really would not want to do, the custom overlay is garbage; if you can get an HTC phone.
I *do* see a lot of features coming up in AG3 that may make the forums less active, but I imagine we'll still have *some* sort of forum area.
I doubt it, for most of us are already active on an actual social networking site meaning that we don't really need AG to make up for that although it will improve it. New users may not come to the forums so much but the legacy's will.
I *do* see a lot of features coming up in AG3 that may make the forums less active, but I imagine we'll still have *some* sort of forum area.
Unlikely. The vast majority of us on here right now only care about the forums, as it stands. We want improvements, yes, to the interface of the various pages and some networking, but what makes this site golden is the forums. Ever seen Kong's forums? Or Newground's? To be honest, they suck. If we lost the forums, I'd doubt many of us would come around any more. I wouldn't.
Then I would an hero. WANT MY BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS?! /hyperbole joke
I'm a member of the CountingTime chatroom, and visit frequently. However, something happened to my IE, and I can't enable cookies, and thus cannot log onto AG. I've resorted to using my iPod for now. Mobile forums would be great, and I think would make users on AG more active.