ForumsWEPR[dup] the Mosque near ground zero

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well do you agree with it being built or not

this issue has become so big that even Donald Trump Offed to buy the mosque site to end this issue but as we know, it was, dismissed so what or why build it near the twin tower sight a guy said on TMZ last night that "educated people will agree with the mosque to be built, the uneducated will not agree to build the Mosque"

what is the mosque spose to simbolise if built"hi there regardless of how many people killed on 9/11 like 4 blocks away we forgive you and we tolorate you"

well i maybe sounding uneducated but no i would not like it built close to ground zero to me its disrespectful knowing that the extreamists used that god for protection to destroy the twin towers its hard to live with that fact and having a mosque built close to that site is like to all ppl killed in those towers and planes a nice big spit on there grave and stomping it in by every american shoe

i mean this as no offence to any middle eastern ppl i'm just making a point of why i dont want a mosque built near ground zero

Secondly, i would like to say if i offended anyone i apoligize i just like to get other ppls opinion on stuff

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Please use correct spelling and grammar next time you post. Makes it sooo much easier to read.

I don't really care if they build a mosque there. I mean, the people that bombed us were Extremists. They don't represent every single person in their religion.
Please elaborate on this statement:

disrespectful knowing that the extreamists used that god for protection to destroy the twin towers

Keep in mind that Americans have freedom of religion, and if an American citizen would like ot have a mosque built near ground zero, then they DO have the right to. Muslims could of died on that day in the towers you know.
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