Hey There!, well this is my first forum post and i hpe you like it!
Well let me give you this piece of advice that goes for everything about exit path timing!
Time your jumps and remember to hold up at times when needed, also use your flow at right moments to go faster and get first place.
Also this tip helps on level 28 of the campaign with the axes because you have to time your jumps,runs, and flow.
Then, on level 29 you use flow to get to the teleporters without getting beamed by lasers!
Now ill cut this article now so go to [url=http://armorgames.com/user/WiNN3r43] or tweet me at [/url=http://twitter.com/#!/PAuLO_M_43] to tell me any tips you need and please follow and friend me!
one thing to help too is have bright colors. i dont understand why people come in the lobbies with all black players, they must not realize how hard it is to see ur character.
i dont understand why people come in the lobbies with all black players
They do that to mess around and i do it sometimes to. It helps you get the feel of the level and to get to know the timing. Whenever i go all black on my player i win a lot just like when I'm my normal colors but I'm a couple seconds slower because I'm more careful when i go all black.
one thing to help too is have bright colors
I realize when i have bright colors for example white, blue, green, red etc... i lag a lot. For me Gray or any of the darker colors run way smoother for me.
So how does Zero wins so much if he uses bright colors?
It's all about the computer you use and how fast your processor is.
That is why I said I lag a lot when I use bright colors. You can't really compare people without knowing what kind of processor they use or just how good people are.
Pedro why do you keep comparing people to others? It's getting kind of annoying. It depends on the computer you're using and how fast your computer is. For example for me when I have bright colors and flairs on I notice that I lag, but when I take them off and put darker colors on my person moves fine.
I think forums are open to people give their opinion.
They are open to everyone. but as I said before it all depends on your computer and how fast it can run. Everyone's computer is different and the speed of it and you can't compare people.