ForumsGame WalkthroughsHalo Reach Easter eggs/Glitches

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i just want to find as many halo Reach glitches or easter eggs ill start You can get a weaponless vehical by having someone hold a killball and some one hold a vehical and put in then out of the kill ball in moniter mode it should kill the weapons but not the vehical itself

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have armor lock armor ability,use it,go forge ball,spawn armor lock,press b,select delete all of these

2 posts

On New Alexandria go to Rally Point Bravo I believe (tell me if I'm wrong). Then complete your objectives until you have to take out the AA guns. Fly your falcon around until you find a big, vertical oval shaped ring. DON'T GO THROUGH IT. Fly around it and look around the upper parts of the buildings around it until you find a switch. Hit it, and then fly a falcon or banshee through the oval. If you fly a falcon through, it'll transform into a pelican. If you fly a banshee through, it'll transform into a phantom.

Phantom controls:

At a standstill press RB to elevate, LB to drop
Hold LT to boost.
You can't shoot the gun but you can get 2 friends in the turrets on the sides.
If you go through a building (the phantom can phase through any) the phantom will splode and you will certainly die.

I haven't really bothered with the pelican, but it's extremely slow and doesn't do anything special you can't have any passengers.

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