^self explanatory. Every kid (not limited to kids tho ;P) enjoys a nice stick-it-to-the-man song every now and again, what's your favorite? mine's In one ear by Cage The Elephant. it basically talks about how adults told the band members they'd never amount to anything and how they were constantly prejudged. i also give my regards to Blink-182's Anthem Pt. 2 which says how adults are too controlling in general and the only reason kids want to rebel is because we are so limited in what we can do and what adults expect of us because we never get the chance to hold responsibility like they do. ok, i've said mine, no post your favorites and why!
also, i'm actually not really a rebellious guy, im quiet and i follow the rules, but i sill like havin fun and feel like im controlled too much by parent and school... idk i felt like adding that
It's a German punkrock song about blowing up banks, chasing of the rich people, taking back what they took from you etc. And the chorus means: A revolution for the peace and the freedom A revolution for the Anarchy A fight against the oppression, a fight against the system A fight for the Anarchy
btw this song is forbidden in Germany^^ And no, I'm not an anarchist, but this song's just too good
not rly a rebellious song, but in Eminem's My Mom he said what ive always wanted to say to so many teachers:
***** you aint my keeper im sleeping, WTF you keep on ***ing wif me for **** you need to leave me the, **** alone i aint playin go find you a white crayon and color a ****ing zebra
This is a really good one, it is called "Thanks B*stards" by Mischief Brew. It is a song about police brutality. I'm not necessarily for the message, because police do more good than harm (that is a whole other debate) but I really like the instruments behind it, and the guys voice is really cool. Kinda gets you fired up inside, like you just want to go run out and protest or something :P