I have been playing this game for quite a while, and have in my own rights come up with (what I think is a) useful tip to help you survive and upgrade until you can own pretty much whatever comes your way.
Firstly, starting the game, use the boulder. It does heavy damage, and it excellent for the slow moving targets you are represented with the first few level. Next, when you have enough points, buy the bow. It does low damage but is more accurate. When you can afford guns, buy them they are epic.
Any more tips for this game will be welcome to help both me and the Armor Games community, GamingAchilles
Hehe think that was sarcasm because most people commented my profile or told me that they usually do this instinctively anyway. But, if you are serious, glad you liked it, might add to it soon on what to follow through with but apart from that its most up to how good you can aim the bow/rock and how you can balance gun reloads well. GamingAchilles
I found that upgrading defense was much more important than upgrading health. Early upgrades result in enemies taking 2-3 hits to even do 1 point of health.
Speed and power weren't very noticeable if you quickly switched to bows and guns, especially if one plays age of defense 1.5(castle hero) But timing your reload and your special power helped alot.