The episode where they blow up the concrete mixer truck is my favorite. Or maby the Jaws Episode... Hmmm...
I think that most of the myths are prooved/disprooved substantially. But there are a few myths where I think they did it wrong, or didn't do enough. At least they have a website where you can post ideas/retrials if you wern't satisfied with it.
I really like the show. It's awesome/educational (words that aren't used together much) and it's got explosions most of time. Some myths are solved a little differently than I would think, but either way, that show is great.
this in this show is an awesome show that some times blows stuff up while testing a myth
sometimes? there's one almost every episode i've seen. but i think the sawdust cannon was one of the best tests as to weither sawdust is flamable or not. and it actually got used outside of it's myth to try to cook popcorn. (and fail epically).
I always tell myself, "I'm going to watch Mythbusters tonight.", then I never do, because I forget about frivolous things like that. But when I do watch it, I love every minute of it. It's a really great show.
Sad to fear How about putting a note in your mobile that ``watch Mythbusters´´?