So I'm reading George Orwell's book 1984 for an independent reading project. Just wondering if anyone else has read it before...DON'T SPOIL IT!!! Anyways, I got to the 20th page so far (haven't started reading it all that long ago). If you have anything related to it, just post it here.
i read it last year, and i though it was really awesome. really out there, but brings a sense of realism in thinking that such a totalitarianism could come into place. i will say it takes a chapter or two to get fully absorbed and have a sense of what's goin on, but i'd recommend that you definitely stick with it
It was an absolutely amazing book, and I'm glad my English teacher made us read it. The way that Orwell analyzes society and human pshycology through his characters is very realistic (though perhaps a bit pessimistic at times) and the characters pull you in a way so that you actually care about them. The concept of solipsism is also well developed as Orwell tests the boundaries of reality and the human mind. I loved the book and would strongly recommend it to anyone who hasn't read it. Good choice.
Read it several times, one of my favorites. I actually own a very worn out and well loved copy. I suggest multiple readings, especially after several months away from the book, as you tend to find new nuances and view some situations differently.
Very disturbing images in that book -- but a good read. Some other books that go along with it very well would be Animal Farm and definitely Brave New World. I also haven't read Logan's Run, but I've seen the movie.
These all feature very tyrannical societies. Of the three I've named, I'd say Animal Farm is the least related, but it still is highly based on Stalinism as well. Just listen to them say, "Comrade", and you'll know what I mean.
Orwell also was extremely negative toward human nature
Good fit for you then ;P
If you want to see a great movie that's, literally, a modern interpretation I suggest checking out Children of Men. Think Terrorism and Socialism gone bad.