This is a simple game, all you must do is copy the sentance that is in the post above you, then you change one word in it, or if you want you can add a word to it. The sentence is...The duck went to the barn to get some food.
A famous wet hurling panda schlepped Obama's buzz-lightyear toy.
8 famous wet hurling pandas schlepped Obama's buzz-lightyear toy
8 famous wet hurling pandas destroyed Obama's buzz-lightyear toy
8 famous wet hurling pandas destroyed Bill Murray's buzz-lightyear toy.
8 famous wet hurling pandas destroyed Bill Murray's life.
8 famous wet hurling pandas destroyed each-others life.
8 famous wet hurling pandas took-over life
8 famous wet yellow pandas took-over life
8 famous wet yellow pandas took-over chairs(Zomg its firetail o.o)
8 famous regretting yellow pandas took-over chairsI am leaving AG now.
300 famous regretting yellow pandas took-over chairswhy?
300 famous regretting yellow pandas took-over Armorgames!OH NO, SOMEONE SAVE ARMORGAMES!
300 famous regretting yellow godzillas took-over Armorgames!NOT DOING ANY BETTER!
300 famous regretting yellow pandas took-over Armorgames restroom
300 famous Fire-breathing yellow godzillas took-over Armorgames!IT'S GETTING WORST!!!
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