Everyone who has registered for the open beta, up to and including Monday morning at 9am Pacific Standard Time will receive an Email sometime later that day with their invitation code to check out the AG3 Beta. Anyone registering AFTER 9am PST will have to wait for the following code release.
i would hate to be in your position matrix159! i am so glad i got a welcome! maybe i forward my welcome to you just so you can rub it in your fingers. and now how it feels and looks like (yes i have feel-a-vition don't you! LOL JK). no realy... i will if you want! LOL
joe96, lol me nether! i need a time mechine! but then what if i went to far and it was AG100!!!! and every one was differant!!!! sorry! just a tought...
I still haven't received a code. I got an email saying that I have put my email up for the beta. But almost a month later still no code. And I did put my email in before the twentieth.
Guys, seriously, I've posted the test of the welcome message in this thread a few pages back. Not getting the welcome message isn't a big deal.
Invite codes will be sent some time Monday afternoon (California time), and we're certain that all of those will go out just fine. If you don't get your invite code by Tuesday morning (California time) you can contact me at cormyn[at]armorgames.com for help.