For those of you who have ever known the magnificence that is Joe Satriani, I ask that you post the names of your favorite songs by him here.
I've only in the last few months come across this god of the guitar. The number of his songs in my possession is severly limited. I believe he has done something like 500+ songs and I am searching for the most brilliant of all of the diamonds amongst the gems that are his songs. I like all of the songs I have heard by him... even the ones where he sings... but I tend to enjoy the ones that are fast paced the most. Feel free to post the names of ANY of his works... fast, slow, singing involved, purely instrumental, techno, or other wise
My personal favorites by him include
Crystal Planet Ceremony Wormhole Wizards Up in the Sky House Full of Bullets Raspberry Jam Delta V Theme For a Strange World Satch Boogie Time Machine
I anxiously await your replies. Feel free to discuss why you like any given song. This need not be a purely listing thread
I like a lot of his songs, but I have a question... does this thread include his songs recently made with Chickenfoot?
If so, then I would like to suggest Get It Up! That song has controlled my brain for some time now... raising hell and fury with it's simple awesomeness!!! \\,,/_