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Hey, I havent been here in a long time, and when i used to go here this was an RPG that everyone loved. I hope whoever had it at first doesnt get mad. anyways,

You are a teenager who is not happy with his life, so you decide one day your going to run away. But there are many dangers in the outside world, will you be able to handle them.

I dont really like this way of joining but ill do it anyways.


Agearound 16)

Hobbies: (things you like such as fighting or making things, that will help you in your adventure)

Bio: (you dont have to make one, but if you want me to know what you are going to be like, then you should)

also if you want any other info to be with your character such as you have a sister or somthing like that, just add it in after.

Just make one and post it, ill prob still let you join in after its started, but i want around 3 people to start it with.

Rules: Dont be stupid, such as I fly away with my secret ROCKETSHIP!!!! Be creative, as long as its reasonable it doesnt have to be 100% possible, such as I use my crafting skill to put small springs on my shoes so i jump higher.... (later) I use the springs on my shoes to jump high enough and climb the wall. <-=-=-= thats OK.

One last thing... If you decide to quit TELL ME> have fun

  • 407 Replies
3,415 posts

took wth are u doing?

438 posts

ooops sorry

Tristan Alexander
Its sunday night and your weekend sucked, your parents have been getting on you about your temper and school all weekend long. You also had a anger management appointment on saturday. You mom says, "Its already 8:00 and you have school, Go to bed" You reply with "Mom im 15 and I hate school anyways, people don't like me because I started in the middle of this year." She then says "I dont care if you like it, your going to school tomorrow whether you want to or not. "Fine ill go to bed" you get up and walk to your room. You close the door and lock it. You fed up with this life and your ready to move on to a new one. You could wait til your mom goes to sleep and take some money, Because your dad is out of town. You could also go out the window now with nothing, but then your mom might hear.
What do you do.

this was his response when i started on like page 3, but i stopped for a long time(20 something pages :P) so i quoted it so he would remeber, and why does it say FLAG, did it get flagged????
1,344 posts

No, you accidentally highlighted the flag right above the post...

438 posts

lol, oops, i had to copy it, refresh it, then post it, so my fault thanks!

456 posts

Sorry everyone i havent been on for awhile, this seems to be happening more. I will try to get on more, but it might happen again. I might just take a break all together until i can get on more, but for now ill continue.

456 posts

Name:Kyle Wynd
Hobbies:Realy good at making and carving things
Bio:his dad left him and his mom when he was little when he tuned 13 him mom died and was forced to live in a fostor home one night he wanted out
Items: Pocket Knife, Pepper Spray.
Supplies: Bottled Water (7), Fried Chicken, Bread Loafs (2), Leftover Pizza (5 pieces), Wooden Bat.

You say "Alright we should be good for now. But is there a place to sleep, Im really tired." John replies "Thats fine, you can go into that room over there, we'll try to keep it down. You walk in there and see a small bed. It doesn't look very comfy but its all you have until you upgrade. You lay down, and the cushion feels like a barley soft wood. You go to sleep and start to dream. You see your parents talking to you, but then they start getting further and further away. You start to run toward them and then they fall down a hole. You could try to wake up or follow them down the hole.

What do you do?

456 posts

Name: Blue Wings
Age: 17
Hobbies: Playing video games, play the piano, have surprisingly great Relationships with animals, hardly seen.
Bio: Shy quiet and lonely. although not very good with new company he is very nice and friendly. searches a happy new life.
Appearance: very long black hair with really dark brown eyes.
Team: fang (dog) Michael Taylor (human)

Your about to get up but then you see a girl saying to the other guy, "Come on! We have to go!" They both start walking away. Then you see your dog come back, he goes up to Micheal and lays his head down on his leg. You could follow the people, or use the rope for Micheal to get up while holding Fang, then all sleep down there.

What do you do?

456 posts

You don't have the whip yet because she didnt give you any yarn, maybe once your settled down you can make it. Just remind me.

Name: Noam
Age: 13
Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec.
Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons.
Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen.

You are thinking of following the dog or talking to Ariana (Im tired of saying the girl, hehe) But then she says "Come on! We have to go!" Then she starts to run, you run after her. You could keep following, or turn around, OR something else.

What do you do?

456 posts

Name- Ariana Levan
Age- 17
Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well.
Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets.
Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pepper spray.

You see Noam is probably about to chase the dog so you say, "Come on! We have to go!" and start running. He chases you out of panic. You get out of the apartments and are on your way to the meeting. You could stop running and start walking, or you could keeping running, OR something else.

What do you do?

456 posts

Name: Tristan Alexander
Hobbies: I read a lot and like video games, Also I like to ramble.
Bio: About 5'9", 145, scrawny, I like to jump things, garbage cans, tables, and stuff, and i am NOT athletic, i like sports(playing not watching) but dont ever get out of the house. i would, but i am in 10th grade and have gone to 18 different schools, including homeschool, not for behavior, but i have a bad temper, just poor, and i am rather smart...
Items: PS3 W/ Charger.

You start to open the window slowly, but then you realize it doesnt make that much noise, so you open it faster. After like one minute, its fully open. You climb out and grab your PS3 and charger on the way out. You get out and try to close the window slowly aswell. But as your closing it, you let go and it slips. You quickly grab it before it slams down and it doesn't make that much noise. You then start running in a random direction. You keep running and then you come up on a Walmart that is closed. You could try to break in, go around the back, OR keep running past it. (Also you can make up an option anytime you want, so if you want to do something specific then just put that instead.)

What do you do.

1,344 posts

Name- Ariana Levan
Age- 17
Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well.
Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets.
Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pepper spray.

I'm going to the meeting.

456 posts

Name- Ariana Levan
Age- 17
Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well.
Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets.
Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife.

You keep running toward the meeting to make it on time, then you finally see the school. You follow a path through the side of the school (Not inside) and find where the X is. You see no one is there. You could wait back where no one can see, or go ahead and go up to the meeting spot,

What do you do?

1,344 posts

Name- Ariana Levan
Age- 17
Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well.
Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets.
Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife.

I'm going to the meeting spot.

438 posts

Name: Tristan Alexander
Hobbies: I read a lot and like video games, Also I like to ramble.
Bio: About 5'9", 145, scrawny, I like to jump things, garbage cans, tables, and stuff, and i am NOT athletic, i like sports(playing not watching) but dont ever get out of the house. i would, but i am in 10th grade and have gone to 18 different schools, including homeschool, not for behavior, but i have a bad temper, just poor, and i am rather smart...
Items: PS3 W/ Charger.

i walk around th back and i see a dumpster andiclimb up it to get to the gutter, i try to climb up it to the roof where i break into a vent and i sleep there and wait for morning where i can look for food and i plan on stealing stuff from walmart in the morning.

456 posts

You really just want to get to the meeting dont you. You might have to wait a little for other people to get there.

Name- Ariana Levan
Age- 17
Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well.
Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets.
Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife.

You walk up to the meeting spot and you see Noam hasn't followed. You sit down with the pocket knife and just wait. Then a kid jumps out of a bush. He says, "Welcome, to the test Ariana. We have to wait for the others to arrive, but for now you have to wait." He hasn't seen your pocket knife yet, but as your about to show him he says. "You can keep your pocket knife for now. You reply "How did you know.." He inturupts "You were not one of the kids at the original meeting, but we were watching all the kids that were. I saw you get the letter from that other kid, so I followed you instead. I saw you get that pocket knife, and also how you acted with that kid, Noam, I think his name was. One of the big things for our.. eh.. gang, is Teamwork. You must wait for now, but feel free to ask any questions you would like." You could ask him anything you want, Or just wait.

What do you do?

Showing 301-315 of 407