Hey, I havent been here in a long time, and when i used to go here this was an RPG that everyone loved. I hope whoever had it at first doesnt get mad. anyways,
You are a teenager who is not happy with his life, so you decide one day your going to run away. But there are many dangers in the outside world, will you be able to handle them.
I dont really like this way of joining but ill do it anyways.
Name: Agearound 16)
Hobbies: (things you like such as fighting or making things, that will help you in your adventure)
Bio: (you dont have to make one, but if you want me to know what you are going to be like, then you should)
also if you want any other info to be with your character such as you have a sister or somthing like that, just add it in after.
Just make one and post it, ill prob still let you join in after its started, but i want around 3 people to start it with.
Rules: Dont be stupid, such as I fly away with my secret ROCKETSHIP!!!! Be creative, as long as its reasonable it doesnt have to be 100% possible, such as I use my crafting skill to put small springs on my shoes so i jump higher.... (later) I use the springs on my shoes to jump high enough and climb the wall. <-=-=-= thats OK.
One last thing... If you decide to quit TELL ME> have fun
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray.
ok first thing, I write all the things about the gym and meeting place and stuff on my map, second I try to find if the police are still around the gym, if they are I go up to one and tell him I saw a bunch of guys in a gang kidnapping a girl where the meeting place is. (Those guys annoyed me, time for payback muhaha)
Name- Ariana Levan Age- 17 Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well. Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets. Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife.
You says "Whats your name?" He then says "Just call me Big Brother" Then you decide to wait. Another kid comes in and says "Hey." He is a boy, kind of tall, and has Dirty Blonde hair." Big Brother says "Welcome" You say "Whats your name?" To the kid. He is about to answer, But then Big Brother says "We will have Code names, For now you may pick your own." He then says, Uhh.. My Code name is, Umm.. Give me a second." Big Brother goes up to him and they talk. You realize he is just telling him the same stuff he told you. You could come up with a code name, Or just wait. (Or ofcourse something else.)
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray.
You see another kid go into the Meeting place. You think he might be joining aswell, but you might be seen if you follow him. You could do what you were about to do, or follow the Kid.
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray.
EVERYONE add Locations, and put all of the places you've been
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray. Locations: Apartments, Thearter. (I think, Put others i forgot)
You write all the stuff about the apartments on the map, and then you walk back to it. You look around, and walk to the Gym. You see other places in the apartments and you write them down. You write down Dumpsters, and some houses. Then you look around for some police, but you cant find any. You could try to attract them somehow, or try to find a phone to call them.
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray. Locations: Apartments, Thearter, Dumpster, Gym, Meeting place.
ok I go up to some house (not the one ive already knocked on) and knock on the door , when some-one answers I quickly tell them what I was going to tell the police and ask them if they have a phone I could use to call the police or some weapon or something I could try getting in there with. (becuase im a brave boy :P)
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray. Locations: Apartments, Thearter, Dumpster, Gym, Sanderson School(Meeting place).
You go to some houses, and then knock on the door, You hear something in a bush, but you still wait there. Then someone comes to the door. Your about to tell them, but a kid comes out of the bush, the lady at the door doesn't see him. He aims a real gun at you, and motions you go away. You could play it off, and say wrong house. Or continue what you were going to say.
Name: Noam Age: 13 Bio: Smart kid with knowledge of military tec. Hobby: Very good at making home-made weapons. Items: Map, Double-Sided Spear, Pen, Pepper Spray. Locations: Apartments, Thearter, Dumpster, Gym, Sanderson School(Meeting place).
ye of course, he'll shoot me infront of some citizen. I continue to knock on the door and when some one comes out I quickly ask if I could go into the house, it's an emergency. If the guy shoots his got wrong person to see him of he don't I get into a safe place, if they don't let me in I walk try convincing the person to let me in but if even then he doesn't I carefully walk away and a bit towards the kid, when I get a chance I spray his eyes take my spear and stab him in the head. (note only if person doesn't let me in)
ill be back in 2 hours or something for next response
Name: Nesanel Age: 13(I'm 11, but you said it's supposed to ve a teen) Bio: Smart, very knowledgeable in the art of making weapons. Accidently blew a hole in a room in his house while trying to make bullets out of plastic and leather. He ran away before he saw his parents' face. Now he wants to go back a year later but he thinks he discovered a way to make a gigantic bomb. He realizes that if this is going to be his life he cannot go home. Hobby: Mentioned before. Making guns, bombs, etc. Items: A not=tested yet bomb, BB gun(bullets altered, now deadly), and heat-protection gloves. Locations: I'm not sure what this is. Can someone tell me?
Name- Ariana Levan Age- 17 Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well. Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets. Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife.
Name- Ariana Levan Age- 17 Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well. Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets. Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife. Locations: Apartments, Thearter, Dumpster, Gym, Sanderson School(Meeting place).
I think those locations are the same as Noam's. I want to talk to the other dude who just came.
Name- Ariana Levan Age- 17 Hobbies- Loves to climb. Very good at tying and untying knots. She can also hide very well. Bio- She is very quiet, but prefers to be in a group of people. She's been on her own since she was 14 and knows how to navigate throughout the streets. Items- slingshot, rocks for ammo, Skeleton Key, ball of twine, map of apartments, Pocket Knife.
You say "My names is Unwound, Well not really, but it is for now." Then you wait for them to be done talking. After that, you go to the other kid and say "Hey, did you think of a name?" He says "Yea, Its Ghost." You reply "Cool, mine is Unwound, What do you like to do?" He thinks a bit and says "Well my fighting style is Silent, I like to use small blades, usually tipped with poison. I might be an Assassin, I also am good at climbing very fast, Like Parkour. I am good with pistols, but I don't like big guns. What about you?" You could tell him how you like to fight, or says something else.
Oh hey, Location, its the places you know, I just added it, For now you can have it None. But for now, do you want to start before you ran away, or after? And the bombs and Items, You cant start out that much stuf, just have Homemade Smoke Grenade.