I like a few of their songs, the only one i can remember off the top of my head is Hysteria, very good song i think the other is called stockholm syndrome or something.
i think they're pretty good but i hate the fact that most of their fans now are twilight stupid azs girls
Yeah uh no. No one likes the first twilight movie. It was lame. I'm ashamed Muse actually did that song. But it was a pretty cool song on its own. I like Starlight probably the most.
I like Muse, the singer got a great voice. But your shouldn't just put the question into the title and post a link as your text. Give us questions or your opinion.
Muse is great. Minus their stint for that...... lame Glampire movie. I call them Glampires, because THEY ARE NOT VAMPIRES... anyone who says otherwise, is a terrorist. Aside from that, they are great, and I enjoy their music.
I am extremely sorry to people complaining about the way I posted this. I was rushed and will think again about making a thread while rushing to leave for my mother's. Good night and merry Thanksgiving.
i dont care if they did taht twigay movie muse is awesome their guitar and bass SFX are super cool i also love tha histeria bas reef they are one of the best bands in the world!!!
Oh yeah, I'm completely ignoring their Twilight stint. Being approached to do that (I presume this is what happened) woulda put them in between a rock and a hard place, given they're relatively mainstream. "Oh, no, I'm not doing that, we have too much artistic credibility" LOL.
I'm also largely ignoring their latest album The Resistance, as it's a step in a direction which would have Freddie Mercury turning in his grave. Highpoint for me would be Black Holes and Revelations, that album is a friggin masterpiece filled with many a masterpiece. Absolution is where they first hit their own stride (after years of being accused of being Radiohead soundalikes, before Radiohead went crazy alternative electronica with Kid-A, which was also awesome.)