one of my fav games, you must have something that is better at doing the stuff the above users thing can do
example: user1: i got a full house user 2: i got a royal straight user 3: i got all the poker money we are playing with user 4: i own the house in which we are playing poker
I got a virus that will shut down all the internet and replace it with a new internet that belongs to me.
I've got a trained monkey who specialized in stealing Internets, as well as preventing internet-thefts and internet-sabotage against me. All your Internets are belong to me, and kept safe by my tech monkey.
I steal the monkey, and all other beings who specialize in internet theft/control/creation, and brainwash them so they forget how to. I then destroy all books, websites, audiotapes,CDs,FAQ's and forum posts related to the destruction and/or creation of new internets.