ForumsPopular MediaPoke-mans... old tricks, nostalgia, and closure

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I just wanted to help give closure to all of those that ever dreamed about catching a Mew...poke-mans #151. It is in fact possible. It must be done on Red and/or Blue tho. (site says yellow too...i've only done it on red/blue)


once i caught muh mew I had an overwhelming sense of fulfillment consume me. all was right with the world for a short time after that.

this thread is for anyone who would like to discuss old tricks or glitches so as to finally have closure and/or be able to fully put the games to rest. b/c i can't speak for other people but those games took up a huge chunk of my life back in the day

example... I have come across a working explanation for the MissingNO creature. if anyone is interesteds

and a question I would pose to all of you.... that random car by the S.S. Anne.... can you do anything with it?!?!?!?!?!?!? i mean I've heard like a thousand rumors regarding that stupid thing and nothing ever worked... but why is it there??!?!?!?... and the surfing pikachu hut from the yellow version. y?

did anyone ever catch another "shining poke-man" other than the Gyarados? ...had a shiny goldeen come up once... but i hads no poke-balls :'-(

i stopped playing the games once they started remaking them... so after that point I haven't the slightest clue about what they put in there or the next generation of poke-man that had Lucario in it.

oh and just for the sake of saying it... I gots a Charizard in my first pack of cards .

  • 6 Replies
283 posts

oh im interested i want to hear what yo have to say about the missingNO pokemon...

yeah that mew trick is an old one...ive seen it a couple of times..

1,322 posts

i only saw it on another website forum but here's the explanation as I know it....

take a look at the baby kangaskahn in the mother's pouch. now take a look at cubone. now look at the shape of the skull and then take a look at the shape of a kangaskahn. according to the myth...cubone is supposedly the child of an unnaturally deceased kangaskahn. Originally cubone, marowak, and kanga were supposed to be a tri evolution, but for some reason they decided to change that. apparently it would cost too much ,or just significantly more, to remove the code for the trievolution so they opted for hiding it in game, which is apparently cheaper. this is why if you get a true missingNO and you give it a rare candy it will evolve into a kangaskahn. if you go so far as to put 2 and 2 together it makes sense... but it might just be wrong. I can't account for missingNo's techniques... but the rest makes sense to me

283 posts

well when you put it like that it does make sense, but dont you catch it in the water or on the coast line or something like that... or is that just where you say they hid it?

1,322 posts

...I find it humorous that my 151st post was made in this thread XD. I know it would be considered slightly spammy but it was one of those things that just had to be done.

another thing... if you have Articuno in your party and you look into the looking glass you still see an articuno flying to seafoam island. ...does this mean there is another articuno out there somewheres???
i used to think it was ho-oh but people constantly shot me down for that one. so i'm gonna go w/ the mystery bird being articuno.

1,322 posts

from all the glitches, lots o items to old man sitting on top of house, i and the others i've seen discuss it... all think that's just where they decided to hide the code.

26 posts

nhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm very interesting, very interesting indeed

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