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I could be considered a "non conformist" in many aspects. I often try not to follow what is popular and "in" simply because it is popular (unless I see that it could actually be good). Because of this, I often cringe as I look on at all the people around. They all seem as if they are paper cutouts. About a year ago, I tried to explain it using math:

"If the equality rule of huamnity is in effect, person x equals person y. Therefore...
x = y.
Therefore x = x.
Therefore, if equality is in state, people seek to become other people."

I can only wonder if there's any truth to this. Am I truly wrong in the respect that people seem to want to be just like each other? Is the idea that equality is responsible actually true?

  • 53 Replies
6,800 posts

There are multiple threads on this forum with the evidence.

Than stop skating around the issue. I want YOU to provide ME with specific points that evolution is true, and Intelligent Design is not. Its not hard, and I'm surprised by the fact that everybody is giving the same answer. Frankly, direct me towards the evidence.
4,005 posts

Really? If I look back, you first put in your world view, and I seconded with mine. 2 goes after 1, so how is 2 first?

Not a "world view", it's a scientific fact. Big difference between stating facts and introducing superstition which is marginally, if at all, relevant to the thread.

Then I'm sure that you would be quite happy to comply, and show some proof?

Certainly. Here is some cursory reading for you:

Evolution Observed: Berkeley University site
Speciation Observed
29+ Cases of Macroevolution
Summary of proof for evolution
Evolution is a Fact and a Theory

Like wise, this is not an evolutional thread, and nor should it be

Ah, but our evolution as social animals is the best, and most accurate explanation for our behavior as individuals and as a species. Unless you want to discuss the topic based solely on pure speculation, and omit any relevant facts, one must introduce and discuss evolution in order to understand our social behavior.

And to delve on your topic of companionship, many of the early religions had some form of a god, and soit would have comforted people to know that there was someone out there.

I absolutely agree, and personally find this to be one of the reasons religions not only began, but flourished. Religion not only gave one a sense of having an eternal companion, but common practices helped to cement the bonds within the community, providing further companionship with one's fellows.
1,448 posts

@Maverick - I think you misunderstand the difference between theorem (like the Pythagorean Theorem), and Theory (like String Theory)

Of course consensus does not imply truth, but a logical series of steps means either (given letters for reference):
A. The premises are wrong
B. There is an error in logic

A logical series of steps justifying evolution:
1. Within a particular species, there exists genetic variation. (Evolution can only occur if there are differences within populations)
2. The genetic variation within a species affects organisms' abilities to survive and produce fertile offspring (this is an evolutionary advantage or disadvantage, depending on whether this trait promotes or hinders an organism's survival).
3. There is a mode of inheritance - the offspring of that organism will have traits that they inherited from the parent(s).
4. Therefore, the evolutionary advantage or disadvantage (described in 2.) will be passed on in the generations.
5. Over time, this will lead to the advantageous traits becoming more common and the disadvantageous traits becoming more uncommon or dying out.

Unless you can find either A or B (described above) in this series of steps, then the idea that evolution occurs is proven.

There is an aspect of this fallacy in the OP

1,573 posts

I want YOU to provide ME with specific points that evolution is true, and Intelligent Design is not.

Evolution is easy. I-D is something different. We could just as well say prove that it IS true and you would be at the same place, nothing that actually proves without doubt that its true. I err on the side of "not true" because of the lack of evidence. Its a personal judgement but then all thoughts are.

Lets leave the religion out of this topic because there is no doubt that while religion has been involved in the social aspect of humanity, so has just about everything else we can shake a stick at, stick it into, lick, touch, shout at, see, think, hear etc etc etc.

Proving evolution or disproving ID has no bearing on the fundemental idea that humans seem to imitate each other to the point of obscurity...
Have you seen the new hot blonde/brown/talented/insert/yesplease female singer recently? I haven't cos they all look the same to me (cue laughter and drums : ba-doom tish!)
1,448 posts

Evolution is not opinionated - it either is or it isn't, and if my proof cannot be disproven, evolution is proven.

You all are acting as if imitation is bad and there is no benefit for the individual to imitate.

1,573 posts

Evolution is not opinionated - it either is or it isn't, and if my proof cannot be disproven, evolution is proven.

Please read my posts with a lil more care as the last few posts you have read of mine you have infact mis-read.

Evolution is a fact. We can show this. This is what I just said. ID is an opinion that has no evidence.

You all are acting as if imitation is bad and there is no benefit for the individual to imitate

Your quite right. I guess there is a popular feeling among people who dont follow the crowd for whatever reason that imitating is... well... uncool. Cant really find a better word. I try not to do this either as it closes my mind to possibilities and other experiences that I could have missed had I purposely gone against the tide.
671 posts

Evolution is a fact. We can show this. This is what I just said. ID is an opinion that has no evidence.

Evolution is actually a theory. There is no such thing as a fact when it comes to science.
1,448 posts

Evolution is actually a theory. There is no such thing as a fact when it comes to science.

No - the theory of evolution can be shown by logic. It is more than a scientific theory - it is like a mathematical theorem.

And, hmm... scientific fact, how about something like atoms make up molecules?
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