Here I have listed which unit seem to me good for countering enemy unit.Left side of =-amrk:enemy unit Right side of =-mark:your unit(s) which are good for countering that enemy unit. Spearman=swordman/axeman/battle mage Swordsman=Halberdiers Archer=spearman w/ charge/archer/any melee unit if close Halberdiers:Archer/spearman w/ charge/axeman Scout:everything except archers XD Mounted spearman= 3 or more halberdiers Mounted halberdier=3 or more halberdiers Battle mage=Archer/speaman w/ charge/all melee units if close Axeman=swordman+spearman/2 swordsmen Longswordman=halberdiers Ladderman=everything execpt archers Magic caster=Archer/battle mage/Spearman w/ charge/(if close) any melee unit Hammerman=2 battle mages+halberdiers King`s guardian= battle mage+halberdiers Giant demon=2 battle mages+spearman w/ charge (if not killed by mages) Spearsmaster=Battle mage+halberdiers/battle mage+axemen Giant troll=2 battle mage+spearman w/ charge (if not killed by mages) Clubberman=Halberdiers Double swordsman=Battle mage+halberdiers Ranger=Swordman w/ shield advance/spearman w/ charge/(if close) any melee unit Samurai=battle mage+halberdiers Axethrower=Swordman w/ shield advance/spearman w/ charge/(if close) any melee unit Flailer=Battle mage+spearman w/ charge (if not killed by mage) Scythe whirler=Battle mage Battle axeman=archer/battle mage/spearman w/ charge Warrior monk=battle mage+halberdeirs Javelinthrower=swordsman w/ shield advanse+battle mage Shieldman=axeman/halberdiers Assasin=battle mage7spearman w/ charge Whirler=Battle mage Siege machine (except battering ram)=archers/battering ram (lol!) Battering ram=Halberdiers
NOTE: this mght not work if there are many enemies together, then, you need to just continue sendin units.And why I am not saying which spesial (unit that only have in some races) units are good agains units?Because it would be boring to type them all, and they usually pwn any unit pretty easily.And usually is good idea to put ranged unit behind your melee units, but I only said if unit really pwns other unit. There was it, hope that helps
Please explain how its messy. Left side is unit what enemy uses,rigth side is your unit(s) waht you need for good counter./-mark means other counter strategy.