If you could pick one song to explain your life at the moment what would it be and why?
For me it would be Over by Drake because I know a lot more people now then I did last year and Im to young to feel older than I am. Also I know I won't quit before I die.
This has to be the songs of my life. I dont have one.
Three Days Grace-I hate Everything About You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ekz_CSBVg
Bruno Mars-Grenade. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR6iYWJxHq
I would do anything for someone i love eventhough they hate me and sometimes i just totally hate someone but i love them. These songs really express my feelings.
hmmm... thats wierd i thought i posted here already. if i did and the mods erased it for some reason please tell me on my profile that you did so i wont post again. oh and tell me why ok? anyway by songs do you also mean melodies without words?