Welcome Readers! I Love Strategy Games (As You May have assumed due to the title) And I feel Like posting about. Feel free to browse through some tips and add your own.
Game One: Corporation Inc. Tips: 1)To Clean at night you need about 1 Janitor for every 4 Workers 2)Segregation-Separate your workers by job so you can upgrade their workspace specifically. 3)IT People are pretty unnecessary, I average 4 employed 4)Max out the upgrades for(In this order): Workers, Accountants, Researchers 5)Start with about 16 Researchers and The rest (Specified in tip 1) 6) After 10 floors of Chief workers, Build your army of researchers.
If you Follow these tips and use common sense you can achieve World Domination In 6-8 Days. I Got it in 7 Days 8 Hours (ranked 132nd of all time)
Game Two: Epic War 4 (Hehe It rhymes!) Tips: 1)Mad Bulls are NOT the savior. they are hardly worth getting 2)Purchase the Knight things (>.<-Forgot the name 3)The Dwarf is a beast. Get him and then the Tank (more beastly) 4)Don't be afraid to play low levels again, they earn more molaah 5)Titans. Self explanatory
I Never use the Dwarf engineer, But the Giant Dwarf Hero With cannon Is a good Tank (WoW Players will know what this is) and I put all my good troops under it (ex. Titans/Tanks) Because he rarely dies.