ForumsNews and FeedbackArmorGamesVideoReview

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780 posts

So I guess the title says it all.
Maybe make a youtube account because videos take up too much space?

  • 12 Replies
5,001 posts

Do what, now? I'm not following.

1,649 posts

remember, you should always give details. four words (the title) do not explain it all. please tell us with detail what your idea is.

3,174 posts

Hmm, interesting idea (if I'm interpreting that correctly) have an area of the site that gives video reviews of the flash games, although it seems that would best be left to a separate 3rd party site. The focus of AG is more that the users rate the games and no the site itself.

13,817 posts

So I guess the title says it all.

No it doesn't, I urge you to be more precise. What videos?
780 posts

make a AG vid review
user created most probably
have an area of the site that gives video reviews of the flash games, although it seems that would best be left to a separate 3rd party site.

Elaboration: Make an area of ag for people to post reviews of games in video format (like amazon has the video product review thing)
13,817 posts

I'm not quite sure how it would work here, but people have been posting reviews to YouTube for a long time now. Why not continue to use that medium?

2,763 posts

My video would be about 10 minutes long since AG3 is soo slow and laggy.

but people have been posting reviews to YouTube for a long time now. Why not continue to use that medium?

But what's the advantage? We already have a feedback system that seems to be pretty good.
3,174 posts

But what's the advantage? We already have a feedback system that seems to be pretty good.

There is kind of a difference though between a comment on how to improve the game, a wlakthrough, and a review of a video game.

The comment is most likely only going to mention what the user really liked and what the user wanted changed.

The walkthorugh (a walkthrough video) is only going to show a user how to complete a game.

A review is like a comment in that it tells the user what the reviewer liked and did not like about a game, but it also tells the user what the game is about in more detail. The thing is, is it worth it to have an entire review video for a game you might be able to beat in the amount of time it would take you to watch the review?
780 posts

But what's the advantage? We already have a feedback system that seems to be pretty good.

I would also like to add to what Reton8 said.
How long does it take for a person to write a paragraph?
How long does it take for a person to say a paragraph?
This is just an assumption but most paragraphs are between 3-10 sentences. Now lets assume you speak at a rate between 100-170 words per minute. (where 100 words per minute is incredibly slow, and 160 is average)
And lets also assume you write between 25-100 words per minute (where 100 words per minute is incredibly fast)
This is saying to write a paragraph would take a few minutes
and to say a paragraph would take less then a minute. This means you can say more about the game in a few minutes then you can typing for a longer time.
A good example is what I just wrote. This took me 7 minutes as of this point. Would it have taken me as long to explain this verbally?
Probably not.
1,649 posts

yes, but we all read a lot faster than we speak. (at least i do) so, it's not about how long it takes for us to type things, because it doesn't really matter if it takes long to type it because we don't stare at the topic, refreshing it every minute, to try to get a reply. we look at every hour or so, and thats more than enough to get a lot of replies. you got three different replies in one hour. it is easier for the maker of the review to say it instead of typing it because it takes less time and it doesn't hurt your fingers, but it's easier for the reader because they read a their speed and it's quicker for them to read, than to listen. so it's kind of selfish to want a video review. also, video reviews do not make much sense, because people probably won't watch a whole youtube video just to see what someone else thinks about that game. this feature might be only useful to the creator of the game, so it might work. also, there is the problem of privacy. if you watch a video of a person talking, you see what that person looks like, and you also might see things in the background that could give clues about where that person lives. and there is the other problem of language. many people on AG speak different languages. this might be a problem for users that don't speak the language of that certain review. this is an okay idea, but i think there are too many problems for it to become an official part of AG.

5,061 posts

Do you also read faster than you hear? (Think carefully when you answer that.)

I like the premise, and I can see where you got it from. -cough-IGN-cough- In any case the problem here would be that even when describing console games it takes all of 5 minutes a flash game review would probably be around a minute or two. Rather I would say take account of all the flash games released in one week (starting on Sunday). Make the videos for their reviews and then publish the collection as one video. This would be put on not only youtube page but on the Facebook page, further increasing publicity for the site, and it's flash games.

What I mean by the second is that many people upon looking at the wall of text that usually describe a new game, say "Screw it, I don't feeling reading this." and the game slips from their mind, whereas a video review with scenes of gameplay would've had a better chance of keeping the game in the watchers mind.

The reviewers would ofcourse be most likely administrators and/or moderators and those merited users who are willing.

2 posts

nice :L

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