cocernig? check your spelling first and to the subject, I just think thats completly crazy to do so but im not against others worshiping whatever that they choose, as long as it doesn't break any laws.
well, ill end this thread, yes they have the right to worship satan (if hes real), because most people that practice it live in america, just because it does not agree with another religion does not mean its wrong, what they belive is what they belive, ok this thread is now over
This isn't Satanism, Satanism is basically the worship of one's SELF as a god. This isn't a cult either, since the cult is the worship of a living person. This is a completely different religion entirely.
I think that you ment DEVIL WORSHIP much different and many new modern devil worshiping cults popping up all over the place and I sure as h*ll think that they should do whatever the h*ll they want.